The SpecialisT (Iski's life/crit ST 30k current dps ACRO/EB)
Hey, since a lot of people in flubbys amazing thread asked about my take on the build, here it is.
This is no guide, yet. Will prolly turn it into a real guide after I'm 100% pleased with my build. Some gems are still leveling etc, you'll see. Won't update this writeup anymore, swiched to Flubby Throw, with a Prism Guardian to run hatred tho. _____________________________
The goals
1) dps, aiming at 50k self buffed atm, 30k current. 2) No reflect issues under normal circumstances 3) Surviving reflect in bad situations (cursed/-res/vuln etc) 4) No Vaal Pact 5) Bloodrage for frenzy charges 6) Sufficient survivability without IR/US 7) Able to kill those melee friendly 78 bosses with relative ease 8) 3x lvl 22 auras with 40%+ increased effect + conduit and all charges
Screenshots selfbuffed
With Accu gem: ![]() less (tooltip)dps than FA, feels better tho. Less mana problems, more crits. More dangerous vs reflect tho, I swich it out in reflect maps. With Faster Attacks: ![]()
![]() With flasks: ![]() Quite the difference.
The Gear
Note I swiched recently to this build, played a dual striker before. Some pieces still need to be changed, several gems need to hit 20, and flubby has to finish the dagger <3 The flasks are a crucial part! Check the defence screenshot and you'll see why. Also, Herbalism is one amazing node. The flask uptime is nearly 100%.
Old Skill Tree (broken via website) This is softcore. This is dps centric. As you can see, there are lot's of 8% life nodes left to take, as well as good shield block nodes. I need to keep up with flubby so dps it is.
Updated skill tree 1.1 Heart of Oak should be enough for a life build with that much damage mitigation. I did not test this. I did however on ES chars, works fine until level very late endgame.
- very fun and fast paced build - ranged if you need to, melee range if you want to - Nearly no reflect issues without vaal pact and high dps - Contributes a lot to group dps with 3 auras and conduit - Pretty flexible build, can take a lot more life/block/eva nodes - You get the Specialist Achievement, worth smth right?
- playstyle is somewhat hectic because of charges and bloodrage - lowish life - flask centric - won't beat shavs + crown dps - needs a fast, high crit, highish phys dagger for hatred - needs lot's of res because of Lightning Coil and Alpha's not giving much either. Especially ele weakness can be pain without a huge tri res belt to swap in ____________________ Some thought's on the build. 4k life seems low. I'd like 5k ofc, I have trouble removing dps nodes tho. My effective health is higher tho because: Acrobatics + evasion + block (even 24%) + Lightning Coil works very well. With all 5 flasks running, not much hit's me at all, if physical damage comes through lightning coil and the remaining ~4k armor take care of it. Immortal call is there to prevent streaky mob hit's, I rarely see it going off tho. Enfeeble cwdt is amazing. The playstyle is very agressive. Whirling blades towards them, throw some daggers, flicker a bit to generate power/endu charges and spread the thrown daggers, watch the pack die, proceed. That's it for now, I'll do a more in depth write up after I changed some gear and hopefully passed 40k dps. Because it will be asked, bandits: Life Ias Power charge Oh and, level with 2H Spectral Throw to 65-70! Just hop from 2H unique to the next, use your respecc points to grab dagger crit and remaining aura nodes to activate the third. IGN: Iski Last edited by Balguez#2498 on Mar 24, 2014, 8:34:31 AM
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I am curious about no reflect issues and no vaal pact, because I can recall reflecting a lot of dmg with non-crit elemental ST. (especially -max + ele reflect maps). That is with 6k hp/82 res, IR build.
IGN: Kebehsenuf
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40% dodge
40% evade (x2 thanks to Ondar's Guilde) 26% block chance Topaz Flask Ruby Flask 3500 Armor/3endu charges/Lightning Coil/IC I have a hit chance of 90% with the inc. accu gem. 80% without it. That's vs lvl 78 mobs if I'm not mistaken, I'm level 94 now. I feel a rather big difference if I have 80% or 90% chance to hit in reflect maps, both because I hit more mobs and myself via reflect. Swiching the accu gem out solves my reflect issue with my current dps, all flasks running ofc. Single reflect mobs/packs are hardly noticeable. I'm not saying I don't get hit by reflect, nor it's as safe as with vaal pact. Bigger pack -> more reflect damage, quite the opposite to vaal pact. If everything goes wrong there are life flasks tho, oneshots are impossible with the base damage and 85/75/85 res. IGN: Iski
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Really interesting, I really thought you would be running with Vaal Pact. This is great because clearly Vaal Pact is a pain to deal with when life based.
The need for life makes the jewelry even harder to get though. At least the helmet and chest piece are cheaper than in the low life version. edit: detail but, why %armor on the panicked flask (effect doesn't apply) instead of "staunching"? Grantite flask should have the %armor, shuoldn't it? Last edited by Haboryme#1915 on Jan 12, 2014, 4:10:44 AM
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What would your tooltip dps end up being if you were to use haste instead of hatred?
Only reason I ask is because im crafting one and I dont see pdmg being too much a deal breaker other than for mind drinker |
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" Yep, it's a bit lower budged indeed. The %armor effect from the flask applys all the time actually, it's a bit less life recovery than blood rage takes away. The only time it has no effect is when I'm on low life. In that case I just want life and get the fuck out there. Plus the mana flask never fills my mana while I'm attacking, I have the effect 14 seconds if I desire so. I threw the flasks together as they came tho, doesn't matter much which one has which mod. Curse immunity on a 14 seconds mana flask is nice as well. IGN: Iski Last edited by Balguez#2498 on Jan 12, 2014, 6:57:56 AM
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" Lab dps: hatred: 20k, haste: 18,7k with a phys dagger ofc, so not much of a difference. I loose my entire cold damage tho. Cold is freeze, and amazing because of that, I wouldn't change that. IGN: Iski
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You can dodge, evade, and block reflect. :]
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hey i wanted to ask, how do you deal with very low mana, or you dont have that problem ?
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I don't really check this thread anymore since I moved on, and the thread went to the bottom.
If I remember correctly I had 150 mana open, which is enough for 4-5 spectrals. Lot's of phys mana leech, a big mana pool (1300), decent reggen and a mana flask which runs close to 100% of the time. I had no mana issues. IGN: Iski
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