Selling items

Hi GGG devs,

When will selling be allowed? Please tell me it will be in the next patch. Its getting more and more necessary as time passes.
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It's a high priority feature, but I don't know when it'll be in. There are higher priority stability and balance issues occupying our time at the moment. Hopefully soon, though!
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Sounds great to me that it got an high priority.
My stash is filled to the brim and more to that.
CPU: Intel i7-9700K.
GPU: RTX 3080 Aorus Master.
MEM: 32GB, 2666MHz, DDR4.
Chris wrote:
It's a high priority feature, but I don't know when it'll be in. There are higher priority stability and balance issues occupying our time at the moment. Hopefully soon, though!

I suggest you think again about that.

I presume we are going to sell them for currency items so as far as the player is concerned picking up everything that drops, endless inventory tetris, and trips back to town to sell has the same net effect as a few extra currency items dropping in the first place. You are rewarding players for doing boring tedious stuff.

I would rather stuff that I don't think I could use or trade was left on the ground.

After reading thru the vendor selling
system (interesting concept btw) I think
we will see many styles on this. I personally
will not be picking up every item I find,
but to begin with I will be trying to figure
out recipes for each vendor.

It adds another layer of play to the game
that is not integral to the overall game
play due to (my perception of) the input
output values. I really do not expect to
see Mirrors being spawned by vendors.
I absolutely love currency items. Orbs etc.. They rock, and I would MUCH rather get those from vendors than gold. Lol, so I'm absolutely in favor of the system in principle, but it does need to be put to the test, who knows it may even make currency items like orbs and such less valuable, and thus harm the economy as it is now?

I dont know but I'm eager to find out.
Dedicated CBT for PoE. (I genuinely care about the success of GGG and PoE.)
Sound like too much boring work picking up and selling junk items, I too would rather just have more currency drops. Selling items isnt fun, just make the combat better, faster, more enemies...thats why I play, not to hang out in town.

Not like selling things will get you anything good I bet, just transform orbs, wiz scrolls, augment orbs etc, giving away alch and chaos orbs would ruin the value of them, and ruin trading. Unless GGG makes selling items like a random gamble system, with very low odds of getting the rarer orbs.

I like trading with players so much more then selling to npcs, just need a safe and simple trade system in the game, and a way to keep jsp out. And at least one moderator online daily to remove cheaters/botters/spammers, cause they will all show up right away, and I've seen dozens of games ruined due to no moderation. (Like dragon nest NA)

I like orbs too, but I don't want to see the values of them fall cause it becomes to easy to aquire them from the npc. What would I trade my good rare/unique item for if orbs become too common?
I think it works very well without sell vendors just because it seems to fit the story. It's every man for himself; if something you slay is using equipment that is better than what you have, you pick it up, drop your old one and keep on going.

That said, with a melee character at the end of Ruthless, I have to use nearly every currency item I find to upgrade my gear every level. This means I usually don't have the upgrade items I need when I find a new "X" item. But if I don't upgrade every item once every couple of levels I just get smoked when fighting creatures the same level as I am. So it will be nice to have vendors just throwing out rather random upgrade items to let the community trade amongst themselves.
"Not everything you see on the internet is true." ~Ernest Hemingway
Sparka wrote:

I like orbs too, but I don't want to see the values of them fall cause it becomes to easy to aquire them from the npc. What would I trade my good rare/unique item for if orbs become too common?

if more of them are in circulation ... transactions will just involve more orbs per item.

But it wont come to that since Orbs have uses too ... not just as currency like gold.

Being able to get orbs via the vendors allow players to acquire ors more easily, encourare them to salvage the items they dont need (ie no hoarding) and to craft the items they do need (ie experiment and have fun).

3 birds in one stone.
Vendors will also offer a system for players who don't like the practice of trading with other players. No one should be forced to interact, especially since many people play hack-and-slash games like online single-player games.
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