SHARP's CI Immortal / Simply OP for all maps (37k+ DPS)+vids / Fully updated for 1.1SotV
Great build, this is what i was looking for. Anyway after respec at lvl 70 and playing few maps got some questions. First tree :
I follow ds build. Question 1 : what nods take first. Im lvl 72 atm Now my equipmnt, got all uniques pretty high rolls, gloves for change, anything worth changing except armor? Got imprint before added low 110 es (will try for 140 ) and before this useless chaos resist. But will do it when i get more eternals.
Question 2 : What to change (plz dont look at gems atm, it still lvling) Question 3 : Is it really good to get CWDT so high? It dont triger often, i start to miss my lvl 5cwdt with below 10 enfeblee molten shell Question 4 : I wasted lot of chroms cant color GGRRRR so i use blue added lighting dmg. If i swap soon to Melee dmg on full life the bost will be high or just a bit? Question 5 : Im not sure bout this : when we have 1hp then all items work as we have full life and low life same time? I mean uniques that give 30% more attack speed when on low life or 100% increased IR when on low life. Question 6 : Is it worth to take passive +2/+2/+2 to max all res? Its very close in tree. Thx for answers i will get more questions later i believe. And once more great build. ________________________ Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :) |
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" nice to hear u like the build.. pls note that u r not OP yet and u will love the build more and more when u reach 85+ lvls.. specially with groups at tough bosses and when u find yourself soloing the Boss :) To give more precise answers may I ask u to send your screen-shots for your stats as I do in guide.. with and w/out auras; which auras up, etc... both defence and offence.. Meanwhile we can answer some quickly: q1... You should get from now on first Shield node groups + Inner Force group + % increase of aura effects.. and let me check your stats for further nodes.. q2.. later.. it is seen easily that your dps will be lower than I presented in guide. a- Blue gem at 6L ; b- Non legacy vs legacy STaker (10-11% dps difference).. but no big problem , u r still OPowered :) q3.. yep I prefer to use 1 higher lvl set + manualy triggered Blood rage.. we are really so OP we dont need any low lvl CwDT set.. hope your 18 lvl Blood rage gem's mana need is ok with your mana left quantity.. But u dont have yet high block values thats why u may miss low lvl CwDT set.. Have it mate np.. apply whatever u feel happy.. q4- If u mean to get a Red socket instead of Blue, yep it increases your dps significantly.. I tested for u by using both combinations with RRRRGG dps was 35% higher than RRRGGB.. q5- nope as CI your Max life is 1.. U never get any benefit of low life items.. q6- sure it worths.. but since we r really Over Powered as it is I didnt get them yet.. but I may get at later lvls.. hope all clr.. enjoy.. |
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Is this build worth using with a 5l, or is it 6l only?
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" Guide has the answer as below: - The best color combos are RRRRGG and RRRRRG.. - 3 Green sockets is the worst case but still viable - It is also not bad if one socket is Blue.. The main difference is to have less dps thats all.. You finish the same maps a bit slower.. - 5L is also viable: Get one red gem out( Melee Dmg on Full Life or Melee Phys. Dmg ) RRRRG is best.. if not, RRRGG.. 5L will decrease dps significantly but it is still viable.. enjoy.. |
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I've been working really hard the last two weeks to gear this build. I finally managed to 6-L a saintly armor for it, but could REALLY use some crafting tips as you all have managed to make some really nice pieces as well. Here's where I'm at: (ilevel is 77) So far I have just alted/regaled (not all that many times) to get those mods, and then exalted once to see what I would get. So my current investment is low and I could start over if that's what is best I am very happy with my suffix rolls (I'm already maxed on resists so the stats were much more preferred and helpful for my build than getting more elemental resist rolls). The strength in particular let's me level all my gems to 20 and the int adds extra ES which is better than another resist for me. I have one prefix so far, and its the highest possible roll for that (145ES is the max of the top bracket). I really need a high local Amour/ES % roll as another prefix in order to make the chest piece good (Incolcated or interpolated). Then the other roll can either be flat Armour or the hybrid armour/ES with base stun recovery. The primary question is whether its worth simply eternal/exalting until I get what I want or whether its more cost effective to simply yolo exalt and if that goes bad scour and alt/regal and yolo exalt until I get the two good prefix rolls that I need (flat ES and combined armour/ES %). Thanks for any tips from you all! IGN: IskyOfTheSea
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Hi Isky, I just crafted my chest
I would GREATLY suggest you aim for something like that, Strenght and Intelligence on a chest is not as OP as getting 340+ Armor or 110+ Ar/ES %. For this build it is MUCH BETTER to have a chest like mine, high flat ES, 110+ AR/ES %, and some resist on it, so you can get the Strenght and Int if needed on JEWELERY, which is MUCH CHEAPER and you can find it easily. I hope this helps and good luck with the craft. BTW since it is ilvl 77, you can only roll up to 120% AR/ES, because the highest stun/recovery % is ilvl 78. |
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Hi rodofrn,
Thanks for the response! I'm not a 100% clear on your recommendation, but that is a super sweet chest! The strength/int/resists are all suffixes so they are independent from the important prefix rolls which are the true key to making a good chest piece so its just whether you want stats or resists for your suffix rolls. Clearly I need the flat ES/the armour/ES % increase and the best would be then a flat armour, but the combined ES/amour with stun recovery could be okay as well. You have the nearly ideal 3 prefix rolls. My question, is should I aim to get 2 good prefix rolls from alt/regaling or should I go ahead and try to get my last two prefix rolls with eternal/exalting, since I have 3 suffix rolls that I want and a perfect prefix that I want (flat ES). Or I could just yolo exalt and start over if that doesn't work...haha Let me know what you think, thanks! I'd also love to know how you crafted yours. Did you alt/regal till you got two really good prefix rolls, then eternal/exalted the rest? IGN: IskyOfTheSea Last edited by Isky#2626 on Feb 14, 2014, 2:43:36 PM
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Have you seen this? Wonder how this will effect our build? |
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Hi again ISKY, the best mods to have BEFORE REGAL are 130+ ES and the 110+ % AR/ES, then IDEALLY get 350+ ARMOUR BEFORE 1st ETERNAL/EXALT.
The armor and the resists are "easy" to get. In mine i got 145 ES and 117% AR/ES before regal, then I regaled and got 43 FIRE RES, then after MANYYYY ET/EX (around 35 used OVERALL) i got 31 Lightning, then 36 Cold and finally 389 Armour. In my opinion, you can see the RES roll very frequently, hardest to get is ES, %, and armor. Let me know if you have anymore questions. |
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Hi Rodofrn,
I'm really confused, I would love to get those two mods before regal, but I'm quite sure that's impossible. Both flat ES and %ES/armour are PREFIX mods, a magic item (before regal) can only have 1 prefix and 1 suffix (see: I am positive you did not get that 145 ES and 117% AR/ES before you regal'ed. You must have gotten one of them with the regal. Also the resist rolls don't compete with the ES, % and armour rolls. Those are suffix rolls so they are sort of independent as you can get 3 resist/stat rolls and 3 ES/armour rolls. I think odds are that the prefix rolls are harder to get at sufficient values then the suffix rolls though which might be what you are referring to. I think that perhaps its alright to rely on getting one prefix roll through the eternal/exalt process, but 2 seems really tough. Your recommendation of getting all 3 before eternal/exalt is almost like hoping the stars align based on probabilities (would need to regal a good prefix and then exalt a good prefix). IGN: IskyOfTheSea