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The fine tuning of explicit modifier effects of maps that can be done in the tree is genius. I praise you for providing such an intelligent system to measure up the building ability of a player, as well as the results obtained from adjusting a build vs. the challenges of the game, this is Path of Exile.

Just how insanely hard the game can become is also Path of Exile.

The UX/UI in the crafting mechanic this league is horrendous, this is not Path of Exile.

Having to understand so deeply how the hardware of the PC interacts with the game, to make extensive adjustments and tests in the game options may, or may not be, Path of Exile.

Path of Exile has always felt like the solid game, bug-free and running smoothly, that's a feature not a bug.
my first impression:

I have been wishing for more better access to building good items.

I have now attempted the league craft 4 times. All 4 ended in failure.

This has been a very bad feeling. It is not fun. All the time I put into 1 craft to have it fail is totally deflating.

Even if I got the mirror tier item isn't worth how deflating this mechanic can be.

I won't touch it any furthur. I has made me feel pretty bad. I am not enjoying it at all.

RMT looks more and more desirable each season just to get an item I can use.

Crafting is so far out of reach for 99.99% of the player base. This league has furthur compounded that out reach.

Even selling the league items isn't worthwhile. Half the whispers are people shot gunning the trade list to try and get 1 item. I often times don't sell the same item many times cause of this. So even the trading around it is annoying and a significant waste of time due to so many unsuccessful trade attempts.

Minion speed improvement.

Was thinking in removing the regular attack and cast speed minion speed support gem gives and swap them for the effects of multistrike and spell echo respectively while keeping the regular movement speed it gets , will be way better that using the regular support gems and making them exclusive for minion.

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