1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

No idea what did you do. Maybe your weapon sucks? Post your eq. Or maybe you had problems with Nercos?
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
Перевел гайд на русский. Можно посмотреть здесь.

Thx for the guide! I've translated it on Russian and put a link.
Слава Україні!
I don't give a single fuck, as long as you write source.
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
zhandarm wrote:
Перевел гайд на русский. Можно посмотреть здесь.

Thx for the guide! I've translated it on Russian and put a link.

Огромное спасибо! Плюсик тебе в карму ))

Thanks for the guide! ))

Small question about Resolute Technique; when I played in closed beta, keystone description said 'You always hit', and now it says 'Your hits can't be evaded'. Does that make a difference ? Does that mean a pure strength marauder can miss now if his accuracy rating is too low ?

So how should we alter the build for endgame viability? There´s no respeccs and i dont want to reroll :p So a new build link would be awesome :)
Can any1 plz post some tips for tanky/HP kind of build like it's in the topic, for Merciless, how to deal with Chaos dmg and simmilar?

Last edited by fiddesoder99#4428 on Jan 26, 2013, 6:31:32 AM
fiddesoder99 wrote:

So basicaly the tip for Merciless against Chaos dmg would be, to focus on Mace weapon so you can Stun lock enemies and go fro additional ECs ?

BTW I have a question about weapon choice: I was thinking of going for Axe type for highest DPS, but Mace type just seems better cuz of stun effect, I've seen some high lvl Marauders go for Swords as well in HC but have no idea why. I'm realy interested if it's even worth going for anything else then Mace type weapons for this tanky kind of build, or am I missing something?
ALSO! is shield very usefull for Marauders or is generaly on long run better to go with 2 handed weapon type?
Altered it abit getting IR, the idea behind this is to stun with maces yet still have high HP / END Charges / Armor. Thoughts for endgame? ( My highest char is level 18 :( So im just guessing here based on what i´ve read on other threads )

Oh and btw, is IR really worth it? Do we have enough evasion to make that leap in the passives worth it?
Last edited by fiddesoder99#4428 on Jan 26, 2013, 6:46:25 AM

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