So am i screwed with my build that i have so far? Im only 26, in act 2 and pretty much one shotting everything, and my heavy hit takes down bosses in a few chops while i just stand surrounded by enemies pretty much, but sweep takes care of those quickly.
You will get the 11 respec points that you need to hit the original build while questing, but you will probably be slightly worse off until some point in cruel, particularly because you have delayed getting resolute technique. It is not unsalvageable.
First off, head to this, using 3 respec points to remove armor nodes. Connect blood drinker to the line you took from fire resist and then begin using respec points as you get them to go out of the damage nodes you currently have (remove from blood drinker end first, to keep butchery as long as possible, though it should get specced out of when you have the respec points), and then things will look something like this, with extra points going towards blood magic and unwavering stance/Golem's Blood.
If you do have orbs of regret from drops, you can use them, but I do not suggest trading for them in any way.
Halinn, Can you break it down once more. I have 4 respec points, should i remove the 3 armor nodes and work towards resolute? Just trying to make sure i get the full scope here, thanks for the help here.
Been using this build on HC, untwinked. Lvl 43 atm, at cruel A2.
So far been working great, started using endurance charges around lvl 35 and they kick ass.
Otherwise my gear is pretty mediocre, but bought the ammy below today. The life steal + all stats is great, as i can now lvl my faster attacks and i am planning to use a faster casting gem later for decoy totem and enduring cry.