1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
I wish to express my gratitude to the author of this excellent guide.
I started about four months ago in Torment and picked this guide because it looked very promising indeed, and boy, did it live up to the promises. ;) Any "p*sspoor" newbie looking for a good start into PoE should look no further. Today my Marauder is lvl 90 and there isn't mucht left to fear in this game except a few very serious bosses (and much of my troubles there can be blamed on my rather poor computer, hefty elemental attack animations causing FPS lags). The map clearing speed is more than satisfactory. I probably may never run "Atziri services" with this build but it got me started and I have learned quite a lot about the game and much much faster than I would have without this guide I have long since ditched the Blood Magic Keystone (if you already have some decent gear, you wouldn't need BM at all) in favour of Hatred and HoA as well as the Diamond Skin resistance nodes once they became redundant with my steadily improving equipment and used the refunds to travel the inner route to the Duellist tree but other than that I pretty much stuck to the original skill tree. I picked Unwavering Stance which was now along the path, It makes attacks pretty much uninteruptable but this is just a personal preference (as is the much discussed Multistrike gem ;). After that I went up from Unrelenting to Amplify, via Blunt Intsument, Sanctity, Discipline & Training and Retribution. Here is where I am at now: This Marauder has come a long way from starting off with "sweet eff all". 5.3k HP is pretty comfortable, Ground Slam DPS is at 34k, or 43k if I replace the BM gem with WED (if I "borrow" my Scion's mallet-a very touchy subject since she's such a high maintenace b*tch-it would be much much higher even, the difference between 457 and 530 pDPS is enourmus). However, with only 180 mana left after Hatred and HoA I get only three slams, usually not a problem as long as I hit something but I feel a lot more comfy with BM and TBH slammin' "until the cows come home" is just so much more fun rather than constantly watching my mana drain, plus I can also activate HoI for good measure. Single targets are going down easy enough with 63k DPS Heavy Strike (again this would be a lot more if I only could get the Scion to part with her mallet ;) but 34k is clearly good enough to blow away mobs in any map. And here's my gear, every item was self-found (except the belt which I got from a good friend after I accidentally scoured my godly Heavy Belt... the stupid things we newbies do. ;) :
I guess I got a bit lucky with linking my Astral Plate (107 fusings) but as promised in the guide, you won't have to break the bank for this build and still end up with a character who gets the job done (well, most jobs anyway). Good work, thank you for all your effort, very much appreciated. Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 30, 2015, 7:18:13 AM
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" why is this? I can understand why cwdt has to be level one i guess but why can't the others be leveled?? im new to the game so any help on this would be great thnx |
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This my vid showcase .Groun slam build LV.50 solo map 50+ normal gear 4L .
Last edited by corona001#7482 on Jun 1, 2015, 2:13:20 AM
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" Because CWDT at lvl 1 only supports skill gems with a character lvl requirement of 31 or less. Immortal Call lvl 3 requires character lvl 30 but lvl 4 requires lvl 33, Enduring Cry at lvl 5 requires character lvl 33 but lvl 4 requires lvl 34. Increased Duration on the other hand is not a skill but a support gem and thus the level limitation does not affect it. HTH Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 31, 2015, 9:58:15 PM
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" shouldn't Enduring cry at lvl 5 requires character's lvl 31 but lvl 6 requires character's lvl 34 ? Last edited by YOGaKrite#7380 on Jun 2, 2015, 3:39:50 PM
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You're right of course, my bad. ;)
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Hi. Is Mortal Conviction need in this build if no aura used?
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Is multistrike still a bad choice to support GroundSlam?
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I am loving this build, currently level 78.
I can run maps fairly easily, just having trouble with dealing with some of the bosses. My resists are all maxed, except for chaos (-48) Is there any upgrades I could do to my gear that would greatly improve my game play, also is there any ways to deal with some of the tougher bosses with more ease? Gear: Thanks! IGN - Pholcers
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" Throw a few Blessed Orbs at your Rustic Sash, that's 10% increased physical damage right there. Then craft some decent WED on it, although you don't use Hatred/HoA (yet), WED on will boost your Added Fire damage. Re-craft your Ruby ring for 5-9 flat phys, every little helps. ;) Gamble some Fusings on your Mallet (or pay Vorici's due ;) and 5-link it and add Faster Attacks to Heavy Strike, if you're super lucky you'll get 6 links and Multistrike. Both gems will help you dealing with "tougher bosses". ;) Seriously, you have a 6s Mallet with 492 pDPS (although the accuracy and crit mods are wasted on this RT build), make the best of it. Last edited by tomay#5509 on Jun 19, 2015, 12:27:05 PM
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