1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
The player also suffers a penalty to XP if they are too far above or below the monster's level. There is a safe level range where no penalty is applied, which is equal to three, plus one for every sixteen complete player levels. Any additional level difference in excess of this safe range is called the Effective Difference.
The formula then applied is: ((PlayerLevel +5)^1.5) / ((PlayerLevel+5+(EffectiveDifference^2.5))^1.5) So a level 24 character has a safe band of 3+1=4 levels. So from Monster level 20 to 28, there is an effective level difference of 0. At Monster Levels 19 and 29, the Effective level difference is 1. The Effective Difference matters in either direction. source act 1 : the ledge act 2 : feelshrine, western forest, waterfall cave, pyramid act 3 : meh idk ^^ What can never be lent or earned? Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything: A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones. Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings. What am i? Last edited by Spysong192#7559 on Jan 28, 2013, 2:01:50 AM
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Oh so you're saying there is a penalty for fighting monsters too tough? I would have thought it would be a bonus.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
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" I use life on hit with my AOE skill and my single target, it's really really awesome for survivability, you'll be chugging those potions until blood magic comes and the problem goes away. |
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Here is a build i made on my own, and i just happend tro stumble upon this thread and noticed they are very very similar. Just wondering what you think of mine. Notice i grabbed the armor nodes and Body and Soul. Do you think they are worth it? or should i replace them with some health nodes / damage? Just looking for some feedback and what you think i should change, if anything needs to be.
My build - 2H swords Edit: I didnt take the damn health bonus from the bandits and i went skill point on normal. Is it really that much of a game breaking choice? I feel i can still destroy well enough later on even if im missing 100~ health. Also what is your take on Swords, and if it is not viable, ill use maces or someting else. Also after reading some comments on your guide i see that armor isnt a very good stat to have, unless you have high armor on your gear. Would this still be a valid route to take if i wanted too? And how penalized would i be. Thanks! Last edited by LegitRips#7523 on Jan 28, 2013, 3:35:53 AM
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First great guide, good job! I wanted to ask what dps should i have to switch life on hit to life leach ? Also if you use support blood magic gem, are health regen aura viable ? P.S. iron reflexes are used with evasion aura, so how much will this help in % ? Last edited by velislav87#1264 on Jan 28, 2013, 3:48:57 AM
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For the health bonus for bandits... Well I makes a large difference If you built all your defenses around health and regen.
That doesn't mean the entire build is ruined If you don't go all health all the time however. From what I have read, stacking health and regen is popular because it worked so well in closed beta, but with the open beta I have heard they made armor nodes have a bit more incentive, so you might benefit from aiming for a balance between armor, health, and regeneration. You'll be breaking new ground with it however, I doubt there are very many high-level armor tank builds out there right now. IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
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Thanks, im going health on my passive tree mainly. I just want to know if i should continue on my 31 HC mara or re roll and grab the hp. But if its not a 100% needed skill to do well in the game then id rather just keep leveling him and keep the skill point lol.
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" They doesn´t changed the nodes. They doesn´t changed the mechanic. The only thing they changed was that flat +armor mod is now as high as flat +evasion mod. What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything: A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones. Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings. What am i? |
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thx spysong! couldn't find that info.
Which is the better mara for PVP, im finished filling in my golem cluster. 1)Do I take the endurance charge now 2)Head to iron reflex 3)North to fitness cluster (stuck between choosing normal vs. endurance vs iron reflex build) -what will grace do to IR and the difference between EC vs IR build? GS Mara
Skills:[spoiler]http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEABS0OPA_MFCAUcRkuHOcg8CftKLUyCTpSQKBBP0TnUEdQUFHmVElWBFcNWGNfP2BLYIhhUmoeajtyqXTteu97jHzZhmCMz57Nn8umZKcwqBisqrQvud3G2MmY0iHZYd-_51LvDu9O8i_2SPe-[/spoiler] |
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Anyone else, especially like NinjaArabStrategist have an opinion on that Normal Bandit Quest Re-Roll question? I've reached 37 and have been very happy with the build so far, but I don't want to get to 50-60 only to realize I am weak and can't keep up because I didn't take the damn bandit reward..If I have to re-roll I'm gonna do it now. I don't need anyone to make the decision for me, I'd just like to know the overall difference...would it be 45 multiplied by the % of passive health? So, say I had 300% into passive health (just a number) that'd be like like 135 life?
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