1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
So i tried yesterday to use 3 auras.
First I cancelled blood magic on passive tree. 1. Grace-Red.Mana-Blood Magic With this my problem is that i have 3.2k life and with this solution my high lvl Grace reserve about 400 life. 2. Hatred-Haste-Red.Mana This a very good combination!Increase attack speed+increase dps too! I just checked also that if i am using continuesly my ground slam with lvl13 Blood Magic how my life is recharging?! The fact is that i can kill anyone without any isue of life,but the my life is not regeneratin as using by ground slam. I have about 140 life/sec regeneration and also i have 2% life leech. So i have to add additional life leech by passive or additional stat for one of my ring. Any addiitonal idea? Ing:Ponfer
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So I've had some decent luck with switching around some items. I'm saving up for a better chest 5L-6L. Currently I feel I'm a powerhouse, my g.slam dps is 8132, and my heavy strike is at 9525 dps. Attack speed is at 3.44 g.slam, 1.30 Heavy Strike. My movement speed is at 17%. I'm sitting at 2624 Life, plus my total life steal with heavy strike is 10.2% without warlord's mark. My armor with grace and molten shell is right around 11,557, and life regen is about 131.4 per second. So all in all, I'm doing great now. I just dropped some passive resists, and still sitting at them all maxed at 77% although chaos is severely bad. I could grab the life, which is nearby wrecking ball, although I would love some chaos resist, but I almost don't think it's worth it. I'm working my way down to get butchery and the attack speed node by it. I'll probably go with more life after I get those nodes. I still have 2 resist nodes I want to drop at some point. My dexterity will be fine to continue using grace when it gets to level 20. I'm currently trying to grab a better ring to replace my sapphire.
My skill tree looks like this currently: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAAnEEswUtDjwOrQ_MFCAUTRRxFHUY2xkuGjghAiFgJ-0otSkuKaUyCTpSOtg8BT38QKBBP0GqQ5xN2E4qUEdQUFHmVElWBFb6WGNZ81uvXz9gS2CIYVJqk3KpdEF07XTxeu97jHy4fNl89YFvgziGYIoijHaMz5BVnjyeuZ_Ln9-iAKZkpzCnhKlorKq0L7ZBud2-p8APwBrApsDzxtjJmNJN1I_V7d7B37_kredS7DjvDu9O73zwH_Iv8932SPcy97746w== If anyone has comments or suggestions, please feel free! ((ign: GnaugaHide)) Last edited by darkfury#3861 on Sep 6, 2013, 10:35:47 PM
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started on HC about a week ago, this is what im going for :
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAdwB5wUtEuEUIBRNGJEY2xkuGjgaVRv6HRQhYCXfJ-0pLi3SMgk26DbpOtg9_ECgQT9Hfkp9TdhQR1BQUeZUSVXGVvpXDVhjWfNbr18_YEthIWSjZU1mnmegbmlyqXTtdPF673y4fLt82Xz1gziE2YTvh3aKIox2jM-PRpAKkFWRzp65ns2fPqIApBmnMKeEqWirxayqtC-53bvtvqfAD8AawKbA88WKxtjJmM9l0NDSIdJN1I_ZYd0N3sHi6uNq5K3nUuw47w7vTu988B_yL_Pd9kj3vvrS_MU= any suggestions? |
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i have one request and one question. 1) can somebody write down good uniques we can use for leveling up? from lvl 1-60. i am looking to twink my second charachter (this marauder) while i level him him. 2) is it worth getting any life leech or mana leech at lower levels or are potions the way to go for replenishing mana/life? Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Sep 7, 2013, 1:38:30 PM
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" The only thing you should have is a Geofri's Baptism weapon, they usually go for a chaos. The biggest thing I would suggest is getting red linked gear. It's very important to make sure you use support gems for your ground slam, heavy strike, and leap slam. I wouldn't recommend using life or mana leech at low levels, and if you're doing it right you won't have to worry about mana. The biggest thing about life leech is that until you get over 1k dps you will receive less life back than using life on hit gems. So get yourself a 4 linked helm, gloves, boots, and chest. Make sure they are all red. Link Heavy strike with added melee, added fire, and life on hit (swap out when you get 1k dps) Link your Ground slam with the same, and your leap slam. Make sure you are using decoy totem and warlords mark. These are my recommendations. Once you get to 60 you'll start to change some other stuff around. ((ign: GnaugaHide)) Last edited by darkfury#3861 on Sep 7, 2013, 3:05:12 PM
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I just wanted to thank you for a great guide. I was just getting into the game and the prospect of planning my entire passive skill tree seemed like an insurmountable task to me, especially considering my non-existant knowledge of the game and I feared screwing up the build and having to start over. I know some people think that is part of the fun, but I'm not one of them.
The only negative thing about the guide would be the grammar that are sometimes creating confusion about what is meant. If the creator would be interested in me giving it a grammar overhaul let me know and I'd gladly do it. One suggestion for a part of the guide would be what you should be focusing on while leveling (it cannot be stressed enough how important +% physical damage is and how important it is to get the 4-link item that lets you use support gems for your heavy strike). Other than the lacking grammar I think this is a stellar newbie guide and I'd recommend it to any new gamer. You might not get the MOST powerful character in game, but you'll get an easy to play build that will be strong enough to actually play through all the dificulties without too much trouble with no trading needed and only a little grinding (not sure anyone can avoid grinding). Last edited by Lifat101#2205 on Sep 8, 2013, 2:04:11 PM
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" I completely agree with you that this build is great, especially for new players and veteran players that wanna mix it up a bit. My first character was a shadow, I got to about level 40ish and completely realized I screwed it up bad. So I deleted it, because refunding skill points would have been expensive. So I made this character, although I've made quite a few tweaks to it, and I feel that it has come out better. This is still a great guide. If anything this has taught me more about the game, and what to look for with future builds for different classes. I'm currently level 80 with only 4 bars to go for 81. I've had my share of dumb mistakes, but like anything it's a learning process. I'm going to post another message about how I handle certain map scenarios with this build. ((ign: GnaugaHide))
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Here is what I do to handle certain map scenarios. Just a little background, first. ALWAYS use grace, warlord's mark, molten shell, and decoy totem. I won't be mentioning using these for each scenario, because I use them anyways. (I'm not building intellect for spell totem or summon skeletons). I almost always use ground slam, because the dps difference for me currently is very similar with Heavy Strike. Plus I can stand back quite a ways, and damage everything. Until I can get a 5L-6L chest I'll continue to primarily use ground slam even for single target. These recommendations are for having at least and only a 5L weapon or 5L chest. It would be even easier with both 5L-6L, obviously.
Physical reflect: I swap out my increased melee damage gem with a life leech gem for my linked ground slam. Slow or No Life Regen: I swap out added fire damage gem with life leech gem for my linked ground slam. Fire Reflect: I swap out added fire damage gem with life leech gem for my linked ground slam. Temporal Chains: Depending on the mob packs, I may swap out added fire gem with life leech gem for my linked ground slam, for more healing while I'm slowed a little. Decrease of Elemental Resistance: Depending on the mob packs, I may swap out added fire gem with life leech gem for my linked ground slam, for more healing while I'm taking more elemental damage. Chaos damage per second: I don't have any issue with this at all, considering my life regen on its own is really high, plus adding life leech to ground slam instead of fire works miracles if you get nervous. I have yet to have this coupled with No Life Regen. This with the rest of them hasn't been an issue, I usually just follow the methods listed above. As I find more or have different experiences I will update if need be. I hope this may help some of you that run into trouble with the different scenarios listed. ((ign: GnaugaHide)) Last edited by darkfury#3861 on Sep 8, 2013, 4:59:27 PM
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" What lvl grace? Mine is 17 and reserves 140 life. What about multi in there somewhere. Only get pinged for one attack? I'm contemplating switching out of BM in the p tree too, I need the extra armour from det and hatred would be nice to run, Worth another 1200dps on GS and that's only levl 1. Last edited by yiker#3179 on Sep 9, 2013, 4:23:27 AM
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BM gem has mana multiplier unlike passive BM, so it eats more hp.
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