1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
This is what you should do. But only after your health regen hits 200 per second
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist |
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Thanks, it really helped me !
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Is it really worth to take 2x Enemy Critical strike multiplier reduction ?
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What other choices do we have?
Like wasting 5 nodes for crappy (in our build) armor nodes and useless flask's ones? Crit Multi will at last help a bit in PvP agaist crit-wise builds. I hope so. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist |
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" I'm very interested for some pointers, if you can give, for higher levels, like what are usualy tank Marauders like this going for and what are respec-ing, I'm not saying tell us what Mouze has, but just what could be the possibility if you get some unuiqe gear, great gems...etc., what to lose, what to replace in passive tree, any specific reasons? To sum it up, plz give some pointers to what to change in this type of build when you hit, lets say lvl 60+ and get some great gear? |
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So say im going for the End charges build, would armor nodes be useless? I´m thinking ahead of myself here and where i should take that build further with the points thats left to allocate :) Would +damage be better then +armor? Is there any other major passive that i should aim for ( like the evade -> armor one ) or should i perhaps increase elemental damage? or simply more +str?
So many questions, i apologize, but i want to be on this character in the long haul and perhaps reach max level with it :) I think i got some pointer as to where i should go, but its a very complex system (<3) :) Here´s a speculationary build i thought about :) The point in BM could be respecced to 8% more health :) http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAAnEEswUtDjwOrQ_MEuEUIBRNFHEUdRjbGS4Z6Ro4HOcg8CECIVUhYCSLJ9Un7Si1KaUq9i3SMgk1hjkOOlI6szrYPQ9AoEE_Q5xE51BHUFBR5lRJVgRW-lcNWGNbr10AXz9gS2CIYVJqHmo7aodyqXRBdO108Xrve4x8u3zZfPWGYIoijM-QVZHOnCedqp65ns2fPp_LoJ2iAKLqpmSnMKeEqBipaKyqtC-53bvtwKbA88HYxFjE9sWKxtjJmNIh2WHdDd7B37_kredS7DjuFO8O707wH_Iv8932SPe- Last edited by fiddesoder99#4428 on Jan 26, 2013, 4:50:48 PM
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Working through content with this build, now at 27.
I have gone the straight path recommended, apart form 1 point spent on Blood Drinker as that seemed a good idea and probably is. I was a bit apprehensive about blood magic but trusted the guide and my free undo option. Now, that was a game changer. Before I would "attack" and slam on groups (and sip mana pots when slamming a lot). Now slam pays itself and then some as long as it hits one or two targets. The build really improved a lot. As for the progress, I am not experienced in these kinds of games, my last one was Diablo 1 when new. I took some deaths early, and had a few from massive spell caster volleys in my 20s working through a mission. So I can say that is has worked well so far, and that it probably is a good idea to buy those "detour" resistance nodes before too long. It is probably also a good idea to not fall asleep from trivial groups, becoming a bit reckless when unannounced pain lurks around a corner. Also, the fist post got really good after the update. |
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" No. Just you won't be able to concentrate on both armor and health. With low base armro there is no point taking armor nodes. " You can't reach 111 points in game. Sorry. There is no point of allocating them. " I would be. Trust me. I won't suggest you something not-viable. @Vingleling " It is. But at higher level. Now, when you probably deal 100k dps it heals you by ENORMOUS 1 health per second! " Funny thing about Blood Magic is that it generally INCREASES survivality =P @Barium I didn't generally understood you. Lvl 60 build? It is in first post. What to repec? Only some resistance node, once you have them maxed, no matter what. You can take Elemental Adaptation too. Other gems? They are all listed in Additional Gems section. Don't think that [Newbie Friendly] tag makes build sucks in later game. It's just easy to play. Easy to maintain. Easy to understand. And defenetly VIABLE in end game. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist |
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Okay, every class needs noob guides for ppl like me. This guides fit the bill perfectly. The other class guides assume you can get 5L items and rare gems like its easy which it is definitely not.
IGN- HeartUnderBladeShinobu My shop http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1000958 Standard Shop http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/499992 Last edited by bidoof01#1550 on Jan 26, 2013, 6:37:57 PM
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Thanks for an awesome guide NinjaArab!
Just played my first char in OB and highest level so far, lvl 17 Bago. Made some shortcuts to the Resolute and Blood Magic nodes, hopefully I would be able to correct these shortcuts later on. Already found a respec orb. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBGS4n7VBQVElYY18_cql7jHzZjM-sqrndxtjUj-dS7w72SPcy |
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