Rogues at Brutus

SlixSC wrote:
KoTao wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
Not fair at all, Spectral Throw would have it so much easier than double strike/heavy strike single target.

How is this different than skill X vs skill Y in any other boss battle?

because it amplifies the effect? ST already has an insanely easy time with bosses compared to pretty much any other skill (be it melee or spell). You put a guaranteed exile next to bosses and ST classes have it even easier to kill bosses compared to gimped classes like templar or witch.

Witch used to have trouble with almost all bosses, due to either difficulty, time wasted or mana issues. Having a class that has it harder than the rest is fine being that the main prizes are class specific.

Not seeing how current witches and templars are gimped when it comes to boss battles, btw. ST is available to everyone.
IGN: KoTao
KoTao wrote:

Witch used to have trouble with almost all bosses, due to either difficulty, time wasted or mana issues. Having a class that has it harder than the rest is fine being that the main prizes are class specific.

Not seeing how current witches and templars are gimped when it comes to boss battles, btw. ST is available to everyone.

not sure if serious, but even when going ST on witch or templar it would be significantly weaker than on other classes.

As long as the level brackets are the same for all classes, at least some effort should go into balancing the classes reasonably well. Sure you could make strong classes even stronger and it wouldn't affect who wins in individual class rankings, but surely gimping already weak classes even more is a step in the wrong direction.

I mean look at it realistically, Templar and witch are both really underplayed classes already, the only thing you accomplish by making races harder for them is that even less players will be playing them, so why not just have 4-5 classes in the game for races? Why not take it to the extreme and just remove templar and witch from races entirely if none of it counts for shit?

I mean given your logic we should all just play duelist and scion, fuck variety.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Dec 28, 2013, 11:33:43 PM
Yeah adding more "bosses" to the game would only aggravate the problem.

Our single target is actually good now that spark got buffed, but against mobs that resist ele/lightning, because our damage comes from all 3 projectiles hitting, resistances will apply to each projectile and that crushes your damage.

And iirc every single exile resists elemental damage.

Thats why i skip (or try to) every exile in Descent when i race as Witch.

Edit: By good single target i dont mean as good as melee... but acceptable.
Last edited by tagpt#6445 on Dec 28, 2013, 11:49:44 PM
Were the witch sig records for this season not set with ST builds? I ran my few witch runs as ST, didnt make it past 30-31 or so but the potential (rng providing) for a better record than any caster build would ever set was certainly there.

Anyway, the events shouldnt be designed around the current broken class/build balance, they should be designed as if the classes were all roughly even, then the classes should all be made roughly even (though preferably also all somewhat different).
IGN: KoTao
Hilbert wrote:
Make a Xandro 2h Race once. Xandro spawns in every area and it will be just like a Blamt race.

Haha 2hr Xandro race. They should try a 30min or 1hr one in the offseason for shits n giggles. That might make GGG realize how sick he is. I don't mind him though, thematically. He looks like a fucking beast, and he is a fucking beast. :)
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Dec 29, 2013, 4:33:57 AM

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