How the Open Beta launch will work

This will be the longest 24 hours of my life...
Grant us eyes.
Hahaha, the pages on this thread are increasing as fast as wildfire. I can't wait for Open Beta! It's only a few hours away!
Yay! This is amazing :D
I'm so excited
and I just can't hide it
I'm about to loose control and I think I like it!


ohh i was asking about patch notes in forum so many times that moderator have banned me for a day on my beta account ;D
Onslaught: LTeaSporker, LTeaCharge
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT,24 to go,cu there people.

Patch notes pleaseXDDDD
Bye bye desync!

"Traffic to the site has been absolutely insane over the last few days. We've been aggressively ordering more servers, but it's quite possible that we'll have long queues and general server unstability on launch day"

Seen that one coming tbh :)
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Can't wait to see act 3 !

Oh yeah! Can't wait!

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