Xeppy's tripple aura easy 6-link EK Marauder! (HC friendly)
Hello, and welcome to to my awesome guide!
UPDATE: I've now updated the tree for 1.1.3, but nothing has really changed in the build, it's still a great and easy way to get amazing survivability, and be able to use Tabula Rasa at the same time. I'm gonna show you how you can achieve 11k armour at level 70, and be using a tabula rasa at the same time! The idea is to use EK, so we don't have to spend too many points on pesky damage nodes. This allows us to spend as many points as possible on armour, and life nodes. I am currently at level 74, with 11k armour, using a level 17 EK in a tabula rasa. My DPS is only 4,6k right now, but this will improve massivly as I level my gems up. The idea is, instead of actually getting incresed damage, and other useless stuff from the passive tree, we just scale off of auras instead. This gives a great sense of customization, as you can freely switch around auras based on what you feel your are missing from your gear, and from your passive points. We're gonna hit 50% increased effect of auras, so even stuff like Purity is great, if you're lacking a lot of resists. Here is the build at 100 points
Screenshots: Before and after auras (In Nemesis)
![]() ![]() ![]() The secret behind the 11k armour is using both grace AND determination at the same time. As you can see, I've taken all of 1 armour node (besides the ones I have to take anyway to get to the ranger tree). The third aura being used is Hatred, because that is going to give EK a LOT of damage. My gear for reference(when I was level 70 in Nemesis):
My suggestion is to level at Spectral Throw, untill around level 35-40. At this point, you will have gotten access to both the blood magic, and reduced mana gems, through the quest rewards.
After you leave the marauder starting area, I suggest you go up into the templar area and grab all the life nodes there, and the 1% health regen. After this, you can choose to go straight for the reduced mana/effect buff nodes on the templar side, or head on over to the ranger side of the tree, for iron reflexes, and rushing for the reduced mana nodes there. I would not suggest actually speccing into the reduced mana nodes themselves untill you have the whole thing set up. Effect buffs are good to have, but having a bit of reduced mana is a wasted point, untill you can successfully run 3 auras. Going for Purity of Flesh, and Inner Force is very late game (around 80). Going up there will probably allow you to respec out of some of the +30 mana nodes you're gonna have to take while leveling. Links:
4(5)((6))-link: EK, Blood magic, Life leech, Faster Casting, (Faster Projectiles), ((Added fire)).
Reduced Mana, Hatred, Determination, Grace. Bear Trap, Added Fire, Lightning Warp, Blood Magic. Cast when Damage Taken, Molten Shell, Enduring Cry, Rejuvenation Totem(Maybe Devouring is better, haven't tried it yet). If you end up getting GG wands (and I mean GG wands), with spell damage, cast speed and projectile speed, you'll want to replace Faster Projectiles with Iron Will. Furthermore, quality is pretty important on Faster Casting, Faster Projectiles, and Iron Will. The reason for this is that EK scales amazingly off of cast speed. It's supposed to be a slow, hard hitting spell, so cast speed helps immensely, not only because you are not stuck in 1 spot for a whole second while casting, but also allows you to leech life faster. Right now, I've calculated that I get about 50 dps extra for every 1% cast speed I get my hands on. Getting INT on gear is a nice bonus, and will free up some passives, but it's not a must for the build at all. This is my first guide ever, so if there's anything I can improve, or if you have any questions, please post here, and I will answer you as quickly as I can :) hfgltyggbbq and all that good stuff. Last edited by Xeppy#2641 on May 11, 2014, 5:58:32 PM
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Thanks bud this gave me a good idea with freeze pulse. I changed your build around a little bit, this is just a draft, and it looks like it might actually work with tabula rasa (thank god it's cheap)
My plan is to just run added lightning with iron will on freeze pulse. This way I shock stack to do massive dmg in a party while also tanky with almost 400% life. The only downfall is we're missing out on all of those tasty stats from a very nice chest which is fine because tabula rasa is only temporary until we get our own rare 6-L. I'm fine with that. Also this build will not be able to use 3 auras I don't think because I took out the mana reserve nodes on the right side of the tree for the sole reason that I'm using freeze pulse and not EK so I won't need hatred. If you see any other problems with my rendition of your build let me know and we can try and figure something out. For the most part though both builds are pretty linear. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQjM_2SF8_VEnnUu8Oud3yL9SPGS4n7fPdrKrE9lnzxBU8LcAaxq6QVWaetz6nhPrS_goaODbpHRQXL_JF52PsOCSq42qPRmTnOuGI8TrYGYXQ0FXWplesWU3Ym6HPZYCkTeMxnjWSnjyMdme9Vcb-j7XygW_ubxZvbqoEs0rIFE3wHwJxPyeiACpNFSAs6YPb3Q38SzqzkAr8xVuvznFnoE4qGNtsFod2KaV08Up9IWBAoAUtnrlgS3rvdO1W-u4OGtv5YxXwOlgEfocZBfmXBsSiI_bv8FpI IGN: Expert
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To be honest, I see absolutely no reason to get almost 400% life. You can do fine with around 280%, which I think is what I have right now at level 81. Also, you're spending a lot of points going down to get Golem's Blood in the Duelist tree. With the damage you'll be doing, it's fine with the other regen nodes you've taken, and get the 1% near the scion tree.
To be honest, I'd probably respec out of a good amount of life nodes, and go for either some %effect of auras cast, just to get more armour. If you're only running 2 60% auras, you don't need any reduced mana nodes in the tree, unless you're gonna be using mana, and not the BM life leech combo. The beauty of my build is that you can have about 1700 armour in town, and have 14k in maps, due to the insane scaling of grace and determination together. If you really don't wanna give up on your life regen, you can get the 15% reduced mana in the tree, and with a level 18 reduced mana gem, also start running Vitality. Kinda tired right now, so sorry if this doesn't make any sense. Update me on what's going on with your build, I wanna know how it goes :D |
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Okay, so I took your advice and removed a lot of the life nodes. I'm now at 290% with 2.9% regen which I believe is way more than enough to counteract chaos dmg. Also I added the inner force circle as well as the aura buff nodes and the 43% increased armor in the marauder section. I figured it couldn't hurt to have some extra armor. I picked up another endurance charge as well in the templar tree. Overall I think this rendition of the build is better than the last because of all of the buffs to armor. Oh yeah I also removed the 1% life regen node in the scion tree and got the one in the ranger tree instead because you get 4% more life and 30% chance to evade being stunned :D
Edit: Also this build only uses 103 points so it's way more friendly in the leveling area. Edit 2: I decided that I would like to have another aura which would be Haste for the obvious benefits to FP and not to mention the MS. It also syncs very well with all of the increased buffs to auras which is soooooo nice considering I will need a lot of cast speed to keep the shock stacks up. It just feels better to be quicker. This is 110 points spent but it's fine because I can just forgo some more life/life regen until I reach the level where I feel that I need more. IGN: Expert Last edited by flyyy#1303 on Dec 17, 2013, 9:00:35 PM
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Haha, I love how you had started out making a variation of my build, but ended up making almost an exact copy of mine :D
Also, thanks for the idea of switching Shaper out with Heart of Oak, did't see that myself, it's a pretty nice optimization. I would suggest that you only take the first armour node in the marauder tree. With 2222 armour in town, I get 14k outside, which should be plenty (it's gonna go way up once I get an actual armour and not tabula rasa. As a sidenote, I recently hit 7,5k dps on my EK, yay for me :D |
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Yeah haha I just needed to understand your thought process a little better to see where you were coming from. But all in all FP or EK it's a very nice Nemesis-type build or any league for that matter. Sick on hitting 7.5k :D I just started leveling mine as I just got back into the game since I'm home from overseas for the Holidays. Thanks for the tip on the armor I didn't realize it was already going to be so much with just two auras. I had totally forgotten the synergy between grace and determination was so extreme.
IGN: Expert Last edited by flyyy#1303 on Dec 18, 2013, 12:40:49 AM
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Any video ?
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I'll work on getting up a video somehow. In the mean time, I've made 2 screenshots of my stats, both before and after auras. Also, a bonus pic, because Tabula Rasa is awesome, and I'm a better person in general because I've paid GGG for a supporter pack.
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Updated the tree for 1.1.3!
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