[0.11.0] Eldritch Battery/Armour Crit Dagger Shadow (Based off the CI Crit Dagger Shadow concept)
Well I just hit Merciless with this build but I'm having trouble surviving... Hailrake 2 shots me... this is with 63% cold res and 1804 hp, following your guide, I've always had sustain issues, I had to toss in some life on hit/life steal gems with whirling blades to stay alive. Wtf am I supposed to do now?
Edit, here's my gear, I didn't know how to link them before... Last edited by UltimaMegaFlare#5267 on Feb 11, 2013, 10:03:25 PM
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i dont know but some of your guys are not really sticking to the guide, i mean look at your Gems/links.
i am trying to stick as good as i can and i have only little truble with range castern and mana issus(LS with WEP/faster attack/lmp is pretty expansiv)running 5 auras at the moment. |
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" Not all of us can find the right 4L items. I found a 4L armor but it was the armor/ES type. I also have a rare 4 socket armor at lvl 62 that has 1169 defence but not 4L. I had to make do with what I had. I also don't have any reduced mana gems. |
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" You have pretty insane gear (well insane given that most ppl have shit) IGN Nordes
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" You get 2.9% from passives, that combined with positive chaos res is enough to use blood rage without vitality. I have 15% chaos res and some +life regen and I don't need vitality (would not have the mana for it either). If I could choose another aura it would be Determination. In case you're wondering on how to gear in general, this is what I use now: What do I want to change? - Higher physical damage dagger with min 1.40 atk speed, +crit chance, +accuracy - Exalt my helm and hope for a +life roll. - Exalt my belt or look for a different belt with min +25 WED, +100 life, +20 chaos res - Exalt my prismatic ring to get either +life or +lightning dmg/+elemental dmg - Get a better chest (1000+ armor, +90 life, 6 link, chaos res) - Amulet with +crit chance AND +crit multiplier Default: Nagarashi HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr Last edited by Nagarashi#1916 on Feb 11, 2013, 10:57:44 PM
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" well sure, its not like i did dropp them or anything. i did spend some time searching and trading them.for exemple: $ WTB 4L Gloves pure streng. just get normal one upgrade to 20 and alchi them. than go and chromo for right sockes, most of the time you will get good enough stats.i mean its pretty easy you just need to take some time/currency for trade.the most diffecuel part was the right sockes to get. the main issui that i have at the moment is my mana, i cant keep 4-5 auras and use any skill so i use bloodmagic.I cant use LS with WEP because its to expansiv(i think it was 32 mana) cant use it i am going out of mana to fast :( any idees what i could do?other neck/ring with mana?some passiv?:( Last edited by Baldry#0272 on Feb 11, 2013, 10:58:18 PM
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I have a question.
Aside from Troll Blood, what other passive are needed in order for the Blood Rage Gem to work? Are there other regen notes than that? Thank you! |
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The problem is I'm level 52 and the highest level area in cruel is 51. Cruel is fairly "easy" I have full resists except for -19% chaos resist =/. I can "Tank" piety except for her archer form which would still require me to hide from her arrows despite the 75% cold resist. However, when I go into merciless I get raped really fast(my resists in merciless are 50~60 except for chaos). If I do have to get way better gear then I guess I'll go back to my Dual totem witch to farm items =/.
Last edited by UltimaMegaFlare#5267 on Feb 12, 2013, 12:51:36 AM
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Im 69 lvl now and this is my gear
Please dont look at boots :D i will change them today (hope so.. ) What to improve/change: - boots :D - dagger - mods on flasks - ??? Running with 4 auras i have problem with mana :(, with 3 its LS spam :) IGN: NinjaJedi, UknowWHO
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" CI seems like it makes gearing much easier, not having to worry about chaos resist and life on gear. I think end game pve the builds will both perform about equally with the right gear. I chose this build strictly for pvp reasons as I believe it will be far superior. IGN Nellz