[0.11.0] Eldritch Battery/Armour Crit Dagger Shadow (Based off the CI Crit Dagger Shadow concept)

Nagarashi, i'll look you up with the stuff i had when i died today, including a 15% lightning strike. But if you ever come hardcore, you gotta repay the favour ;)
Nagarashi wrote:
Nice weapon you got there mate.

What is your passive tree? I tinkered with mine as well a bit, curious to see yours.

Updated my gloves just now, a tad expensive but well worth it imo:

if anyone wants to buy one of my 2 older pair:

Just contact me in game and we can work out a friendprice :)

hi nagarashi.. can you post your passive tree? i'm curious since TS mentioned that you are now the go-to guy for this build =) i'm currently at level 50.. pretty decent dps i think but i'm having some trouble dealing with multiple mobs.. i use double strike more often than LS since it is linked to a rarity gem for better drops.. i also tend to kite a lot using freezing pulse cause i feel i am squishy..
At the moment I'm using Passive Tree that is almost the same as the one from Invalesco (apart from 2 different nodes) but I've been putting points elsewhere during lvling. Depending on where I needed them more at that point (dps/hp/resists/accuracy).
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr
IGN: lootnh [Tempest]
was wondering why you went for +5%phy dmg belt, isnt +35str belt better since if 5str equals +1% phy dmg and same time gives you higher str to lvl LS higher (as if you fine with the mana cost)
Whats ur LS mana cost?
IGN: NinjaJedi, UknowWHO
Last edited by Brayzz#4532 on Mar 1, 2013, 5:50:19 PM
Brayzz wrote:
Im currently lvl 66 Shadow on HC Merciless Act 2 but I have huge problems with switching from Freezing Pulse to LS.

My LS dmg is very low and for FZ I have a Lifeleech gem which gives me a huge survivability bonus.

Currently runing with this dagger because of FZ

Which Dagger should I craft for LS because every dagger that I see has spell dmg and no physical dmg bonus. When do you normaly switch from FZ to LS ?

My skilltree : http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYABLMOSBEvEZYWvxnXGjgc3B4aJDwmlSepKCowVDKJOtg8LT0-QYdGcUlRTP9N2FRJVUtX4lptXz9h4mebbXtwUnflfll_xoIegseH24hCiGuMNox2kFWTJ5Ugl_6ZV5tqogCmf6dcp4SvbLGztAy0-bVItve3PrndwFHBxcWKxq7Uj9sL44TnUudj7DjtQe8O8B_yL_JF8-r2SP4K_5M=

Im thinking about to respec for spell dmg and crit chance and remove all the physical dmg nodes etc. because it is seems for me impossible to switch to LS or something else.

A dagger like

would be a good start. What you are looking for in a dagger mainly are (in random order):

+% phys damage
+ phys damage
+ attack speed
+ crit chance
+ accuracy
+ crit multiplier

Elemental damage is nice and all if you happen to have it but I'd rather have 300 phys dmg than 200 phys and 100 elemental. Also, link LS to LMP and Pierce until you have a higher lvl of LS quality (around 14%), this will give you a mana cost that is sustainable with a decent physical damage dagger.

The reason your LS is that low in dmg is because you have no physical damage in your dagger and no other dmg mods in your gear (weapon elemental dmg for example, +physical damage as well). LS converts a portion of your physical damage into lightning dmg and mind drinker leeches 2% of physical back to mana. Hence, physical damage is the way to go. The higher the better!
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr
Last edited by Nagarashi#1916 on Feb 10, 2013, 1:33:45 PM
Last edited by Brayzz#4532 on Mar 1, 2013, 5:51:42 PM
Hey guys - thought I would fill in this forum with how I am doing with this build

First and foremost - I LOVE it - it is so much fun with high mobility:

My current gear:

I was dual wield for a long time becuase I think dual strike is OP as hell - I was using this dagger in combination:

I now NEED the shield for the resists - so I would be willing to sell this knife...

As for progress - I usually just have to spam warlords mark and lightening strike...im working on trying to get a 5L vest so I can add lifeleech to lightening strike - this would be amazing.

Good luck guys, dont give up - this build does work (for now - act 3 cruel). I can see things getting hazy in next difficulty though...well see.

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