[THE CARWASH] WoE + BoR ‡‡‡ Cyclone // Dualstrike (1/12/2014)
The post has been redone. It looks cleaner!
Also, the build has been renamed "THE CARWASH" Thanks, Auggy, for the name idea! No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
New character screenshot! ;]
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
Online now!
Happy holidays! No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
Merry Christmas!
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
Online now!
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.
No mercy for the weak. No pity for the dying. No tears for the slain.