Zealot's Oath

Zealot's Oath (life regeneration applies to energy shield instead of life) : will life regeneration passives apply to this one? Or just life regeneration from items?
ign: oXu / Hedonic / PuppyPower

This is just insane, so many build choices my head is going to explode.
All life regeneration.
RIP Bolto
awesome, I didn't know that passive existed. must try it one day. Thanks OP :)
There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
Just for the notice its a OB node so no trying it online in the passive tree :)
obadonke wrote:
awesome, I didn't know that passive existed. must try it one day. Thanks OP :)
It doesn't, except in alpha-testing land. It is a likely, but not guaranteed, OB inclusion.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Do you keep your life regen, or does it remove youe life regen and give it to ES?
Mark_GGG 2012
If you put on your full plate mail, and I throw hundreds of toothpicks at you, you'll basically not feel it.

If someone catapults a whole tree at you, don't expect the Armour to prevent as much of the damage.
Auxion wrote:
Do you keep your life regen, or does it remove youe life regen and give it to ES?

"life regeneration applies to energy shield instead of life"
So it gives ur beta code to some1s else
Seriously all the % Life regen?
I am very skeptical, this could be the most overpowered passive ever...

You usually have more energy shield than life wich also means more regeneration using ES than life. Plus the normal energy shield regeneration after the cooldown - really?
Do note that CI does not grant 50% More ES anymore, and you take full Chaos Damage. You'll be down a lot of ES, and take more damage than you currently do. On top of that, all the percent-regen is way over on the other side of the skilltree.

You can do it, but it'd probably involve an Ephemeral Edge or something similar to get as much ES possible.

Honestly, I find the biggest issue is that it makes ES yet more similar to Life (especially since you can already leech ES with Ghost Reaver), while it still also resists 50% of all Stuns.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 21, 2013, 5:44:41 PM

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