Few things you should know before entering PoE Open Beta

I would like to make a helping post for new/fresh people joining in open beta for PoE. A couple of mind-free advices:

1 - Try to be on time with orbs prices (quite hard) but at least know which orbs are the most important (Exalted Orb, Gemcutters Prism, Regal Orb, Divine Orb, also Chaos and Fusing are possible to trade).
Thanks to RottenSausage for link to orb values site --link removed--

2 - If possible try to avoid elemental damage from monsters/bosses (especially at lower lvls when you dont know what you doing yet), without any resistances they can hit you really hard.

3 - If you are going to fight a boss or hard encounter open a portal at surrounding area, when you fail (die) you can easily come back to the boss. Whats important he wont regenerate the health.

4 - As we talk about bosses try to use resistance rings/items when fighting bosses.
Act 1 boss Marveil - cold resistance, act 2 boss Vaal Oversoul - lightning resistance, act 3 boss yet to come.

5 - While lvling try to check shop every time you level mostly for items with slots or magical amulets (onyx ones)/rings.

6 - Dont change equipment if you lose slots/connections for support gems , sometimes the 20 armour/50 evasion doesnt make for the lose of dmg/support from connected gems.

7 - Try to keep your orbs for later/higher lvls. Its really not worth to use them when you will change the item in 5-30 minutes.

8 - To open a new instance of existing map click the waypoint holding control key.
Each instance is held for 8-15 minutes after you leave it. When its gone all your items you left there are gone, you cant access it anymore. Be cautious.

9 - http://www.pathofexile.com/classes and http://www.pathofexile.com/skills is a great read for people who didnt even enter the game yet. And this interview/playsession can answer a lot of questions for new players about game mechanics http://twitch.tv/gamespot/b/357955960 (starting just after 5 min 30 sec mark).

10 - Visit http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree (not updated for 0.10 open beta patch yet) and try to build something you could aim for. Only advice i can give you - dont go for fully offensive build. The monsters really hit hard and the game overal isnt a breeze-thru. You need some defensive nodes - depending what you want to aim for it could be more hp, more def, more evesion, maybe some life leech etc. Just consider them, dont hunt only more damage because you wont get far.

11 - Ive seen a lot of people actually asking this question - which colour of items is the rare ones - its yellow. There are:
white - look nr 12 for more info
blue - magical (1-2 attributes)
yellow - rare (3 - 6 attributes)
dark brown - unique items (with unique properties - good for specific builds when you know what you can sacrifice for the "good" stats)
light brown - currency items (orb, scrolls) http://www.pathofexile.com/item-data/currency
green - skill/support gems.

12 - I wanna specify more about white items. Once you drop a nice white with connected/high number of slots you can actually use some orbs trying to make it more useful. I remember my best drop was white 6 blue connected sockets mage armor lvl 40ish long time ago. I could use armoure'rs scraps on it to raise quality to 20% and then try to roll for rare (or at least magical) item using Orb of Alchemy (white item to yellow item) or Orb of Chance (random rarity - you can even get unique) or Orb of Transmutation (white item to blue item). It was priceless those times. You can easily create/craft a nice item that way.

13 - For a lil bit advanced people or the ones who want to be really prepared and dont miss on much of game mechanics. There is more to come with white items and items itself - vendor recipes. You can trade a set of different items for a currency items/other items. The whole list can be found here http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Vendor_Recipes (also at beta forum but most of people here dont have the rights to go there). You can keep some items to make the recipe, then you go to npc in safe zone and choose Sell option then put the items in the window and Accept your 'reward'.

14 - A trivial one but today itself ive seen like 4 people asking for it:
To identify items you use Scroll of Wisdom (right click it and then click on item you want to identify - done).
To teleport to town use Portal Scroll but remember that after 8-15 min it closes since the instance you were in times-out.

15 - Something not mentioned in key bindings - F1 pops a transparent informations about your latency / fps / frame time.

16 - Write /help in a chat for a list of useful commands like :
/played - time you played actual character
/age - how long ago you created actual character
/deaths - number of deaths
/invite CharacterName - invite player to your party
/friend CharacterName - adds to friend list
/ignore CharacterName - adds to ignore list
To whisper a player you use: @CharacterName message.
What could be more useful you can actually right click a player to whisper/invite to party/add as friend/trade with that player.
Also you can easily link items to chat by having chat box open and pressing CTRL + ALT + left clicking on the item.

17 - Dont believe everything you read on forum :) Its personal opinions. Try to play what you like, how you like, just try it.

Useful links (thanks to FriarJon):
Tips / FAQ for new players


List of unique items [spoilerish]

Feel free to add more. I will also edit/post more as long as i remember something more :)
i got my beta key from Icoblablubb - vielen danke !!!

the first (and only?) 6 linked blue sox on magic armor in beta :P
Last edited by ionface#0613 on May 21, 2013, 12:56:59 AM
some good advices. if you're unfamiliar with PoE, stick to them.

This webpage should help new players with a rough guide to currency values, hopefully whoever runs the page keeps it updated & relevant into open beta.

--link removed--
Blasphemous HC-SSF Path of Exile 2 enjoyer.
Last edited by ionface#0613 on May 21, 2013, 12:57:06 AM

Some builds require specific gear (usually uniques) and are bad for starting builds
Some builds level incredibly slow and are only good at high level (also bad for starting build)

Good combos and knowing how skills function could make a huge difference in your endgame build

Dual Strike; for example will only use the attack speed of one of your weapons letting you hit very fast with 2nd slower weapon if done right

Double Strike will crit on both attacks if the first one crits making it higher DPS that what it seems (also can be used with 2 handed weapons, but will only use your main hand if you're duel wielding)

Chaos Inoculation will let you use Blood Rage without any penalty

Adding Ghost Reaver to the above will make the combo that much more ridiculous

There's tons and tons more and it's the little things that can let me make truly amazing buidls
Good stuffs

white items are not trash however this is the only game iv ever played whare they are good from start to end dew to links and id level. In fact they can be more important late game than anything . most of the gear i have on now is id level 70 crafted from a white i found.
Just a sec let me grab a beer...@#*@ Ok how did I die this time

Learn the rules, it's the only way to exploit them.

I agree with this. . .

If you're not actively looking for quality whites you're only gimping yourself

Many times I'll find the next higher tier weapon and a level later orb it
(sometimes you can get lucky and score a +50% enhanced damage blowing away your old rare)
Very nice list.
Very nice i hope it gets sticky
MaximumSquid wrote:

Some builds require specific gear (usually uniques) and are bad for starting builds
Some builds level incredibly slow and are only good at high level (also bad for starting build)

Good combos and knowing how skills function could make a huge difference in your endgame build

All true but not really for starting people. You will have to actually write one by one the builds that are slow lvlers - a lot of melee builds. They tend to be nice at start and having hard time later on being VERY gear dependant. But you can call it a challenge :) My first ever character was slamming marauder :) Also i dont wanna judge the builds and classes yet because i didnt see patch notes for open beta. I only heard that totems are getting badly nerfed (ok maybe not badly but nerfed :P ).

About white items - its kinda true about slots - yes you would filther the drops for whites with good slot combination. I somehow didnt think about it. Will update my post , thanks.
i got my beta key from Icoblablubb - vielen danke !!!

the first (and only?) 6 linked blue sox on magic armor in beta :P
Updated with new points and edited with peoples advices. Would be nice if you help keep it in first page for those 3 left over days ;) Thanks ! Hope it helps somehow.
i got my beta key from Icoblablubb - vielen danke !!!

the first (and only?) 6 linked blue sox on magic armor in beta :P

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