Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

Sadpandabearz wrote:
Is it worth it to pick up IR later on?

Pairing Acrobatics with IR isn't good idea (assuming you took Acro).
Chundadragon wrote:
deiko2 wrote:
kalktresor wrote:
i love crafting my own gear for this build, seems to be not that hard at all
I've been trying to get that attack speed roll in my foil for a long time but the I've got is 1.98. I have wasted already at least 200 alts.

Check your foil is the ilevel that can roll max AS (ilevel 77)
Ah it seems that my foil is ilvl 75. I thought that that was the requirement for the maximum roll. With this ilvl I should have been able to roll 2,12 APS though. I guess I haven't been lucky enough.

How do you craft these foils? Do you use alts trying to get the APS roll and then augment/regal it? Or do you just alch it and use chaos orbs? My way of using alts hasn't been working :(
deiko2 wrote:

How do you craft these foils? Do you use alts trying to get the APS roll and then augment/regal it? Or do you just alch it and use chaos orbs? My way of using alts hasn't been working :(

Alt for max AS - it typically comes for me within like 100-200 alts. If you get top tier ele dmg, you can also augment. Once you hit AS, just aug and regal and hope for two good ele rolls.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
I got lucky with a Tabula drop while I was playing my first Ambush Character.

Thinking of rolling this instead of what I was doing, how viable is using a tabula until I can afford a Good 6L, or would a Good 4-5L be better than a Tabula?
IGN shdowe
ShadowStride wrote:
I got lucky with a Tabula drop while I was playing my first Ambush Character.

Thinking of rolling this instead of what I was doing, how viable is using a tabula until I can afford a Good 6L, or would a Good 4-5L be better than a Tabula?

Tabula > 4L but I would say a good 5L > Tabula unless you want to min-max DPS in which case Tabula is a good choice.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Heyo Guys

Im lvl 91 and i tested a lot around this build.
I just looking for something to nuke bosses faster.

so here are the result. i think static blow is a rly good dmg+

tested this on a shipyard map lvl77 with my scion.

the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuy1ssmYcA0&feature=youtu.be

"Edit" added a Palace 78map for another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEMWO7d9E_U&feature=youtu.be
what u think about?
Last edited by equin#4124 on Apr 19, 2014, 8:15:46 AM
I have a lvl 82 Reave duelist with 20k DPS; I was looking for another build, so that I can use my 6L Light Coil and Alpha's Howl and i stumbled upon this. As a second character I'd like something that either has high IIR/IIQ or something that is even better at clearing maps than my duelist. Is this build what I'm looking for? Like, this probably has lower DPS than my other character, but according to what I've read the advatanges of this build are the high defences, is this correct? (I keep dying at lvl 82 with my duelist, but only because I play it brainlessly, I have no problem with soloing lvl 77 maps; can this build do the same, but in a safer way?)
Last edited by ishmael_#1685 on Apr 19, 2014, 8:16:42 AM
Guys, just want to give u a tip:

You can do this build with elemental BOW, and reverse whenever.
Just replace sword for bow and shield for quiver. same gems, same links, same tree :D
[Trade] -> Whisper me IGN: TrapAndHide
equin wrote:
Heyo Guys

Im lvl 91 and i tested a lot around this build.
I just looking for something to nuke bosses faster.

so here are the result. i think static blow is a rly good dmg+

tested this on a shipyard map lvl77 with my scion.

the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuy1ssmYcA0&feature=youtu.be

"Edit" added a Palace 78map for another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEMWO7d9E_U&feature=youtu.be
what u think about?

For trash, it hardly matters but I've watched the Palace video and I'm fairly sure Dominus never gets shocked.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon wrote:
equin wrote:
Heyo Guys

Im lvl 91 and i tested a lot around this build.
I just looking for something to nuke bosses faster.

so here are the result. i think static blow is a rly good dmg+

tested this on a shipyard map lvl77 with my scion.

the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuy1ssmYcA0&feature=youtu.be

"Edit" added a Palace 78map for another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEMWO7d9E_U&feature=youtu.be
what u think about?

For trash, it hardly matters but I've watched the Palace video and I'm fairly sure Dominus never gets shocked.

y your right! checked it right now.. hmm i try it with 20% chance to shock and maybe with more lightning damage.. other bosses lvl 77 76 get shocked.. but not dominus :(

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