Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

After much editing I adjusted my Spectral Throw DPS Calculator and it seems to be pretty much on. If anyone wants to give it a try feel free to try and let me know if there's any issues/mistakes.

You'll need to save a copy for yourself to edit.

To use:
2 ways to use this bad boy
Option 1: (Easy) Anything Bold fill in.
1. add up values from gear and place them in the 1st Column. x-y fire/cold/lightning damage from sword is simply (x+y)/2 for each
2. Offensive passives added up you can use poebuilder.com or a calculator
3. gem levels and quality, character level, quests, character
DPS in upper right

Option 2: (Advanced)
Fill it All in from Column A-I AND Gear tab
1. You can fill Attributes/resists/IIq/IIR yourself.
2. The bottom you see a tab marked Gear. In there fill in all your gear information
3. Fill in all passives information
4. Gems/character/quests

poebuilder adds in the life and mana from strength and int in it's summary so that last column attributes may not add up if you use that. Either add up all the int/str/dex yourself from the tree or in your strength/int/dex from character screen in that last column. With the right information it does calculate the life/mana/es correctly

Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on Apr 4, 2014, 12:26:10 PM
I figured I'd post here in case some of you were looking for upgrades. I recently started a dual-striker and I don't have time to play my buzzsaw scion anymore, selling these very nice pieces of gear. Pm me if you are interested.

I'm curious how desirable the WED affix is on a weapon versus flat ele rolls and I don't have the currency required to buy and test. I'm assuming a high WED roll would be better than flat damage, but I see you're not using that yourself. I'm wondering if this is because A: You just haven't acquired a weapon with WED yet, B: The benefit is there, but is not enough to justify the cost of such a weapon, or C: There is no benefit at all; flat damage is better. Any advice? I'm currently at about 8k DPS (gems aren't leveled/quality yet) and looking to up that.
Aura Reservation Calculator: https://poe.mikelat.com/
Chromatic Calculator: http://siveran.github.io/calc.html
Tired of using GGG's crappy skill planner? Tell them here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1555283
my gear:

need another wep with more ele dmg, ele dmg amulet, better shield.
my auras arent 20 yet, but i have 10k dps.
double CWDT.
for ele reflect i pop the topaz flask and pot, no problems so far.
14.5k dps now, finally 6L my Lightning coil :D
Still looking for better upgrades for most of my items...
P.S. LMP dominus op xD

2nd curse usually enfeeble/Temp chain/Conductiviy(Only for dominus farming)
Last edited by cyuansheng#2528 on Apr 5, 2014, 2:16:13 AM
I like this build:)

Need more eva and better sword.
Last edited by wirus_pp#0348 on Apr 5, 2014, 3:54:48 AM
Guys, before 1.1.0 this build used Acrobatics node. Now I see, that this node isn't taken and gear has both armor/evasion stats. Does armor/eva gives more survivability? Should I change my gear to armor/eva or it is possible to use evasion only gear?
Madcow1120 wrote:
After much editing I adjusted my Spectral Throw DPS Calculator and it seems to be pretty much on. If anyone wants to give it a try feel free to try and let me know if there's any issues/mistakes.

Just wanted to say thank you, Madcow. Unlike D3, it's not been easy finding finding the formulae for damage so I appreciate this just for that purpose. It's already allowed me to estimate DPS changes from potential gear upgrades, super useful

Might useful if you post the formulae for Evasion, impact of levels on Life, mana etc. so users can confirm #s / back out what's in tree without counting nodes.

Thanks again for generous sharing
cyuansheng wrote:
14.5k dps now, finally 6L my Lightning coil :D
Still looking for better upgrades for most of my items...
P.S. LMP dominus op xD

2nd curse usually enfeeble/Temp chain/Conductiviy(Only for dominus farming)

lol whats about life? :D.. u have 3k life or what? thats a coinflip!
OK, dinged lvl80 with quite good gear (not self found - 120% elem damage on rings/belts/amulet, 6L 2700 eva chest, alfa) and auras still at lvl18.

I have around 4.4K life and 9700 Spectral Throw dps.

However I almost cannot group run maps 70++ with mod "monsters reflect 18% elem. damage" !!!

I have to be an observer in this maps, or just throw some projectiles on single targets, otherwise in monster packs I get my ass kicked >>RIP...

Is there anything I can do to fix this, or we simply don't run maps with this damn mod ?

What of the following you thing is going to improve the situation ?

1)Still don't have Elemental adaptation passives (but res capped)
2)Don't have Acrobatics. Go for it ?
3)Run Grace instead of Haste
4) Go for 3 more life nodes (1 intelligence + 3x8% passives)
4)All the above ? (but have to go almost lvl 90)

A lighting.coil would improve the case i guess, but cant 5L/6L it and already spent 120fuses, I am almost broke !!!

Last edited by Stef_#3883 on Apr 5, 2014, 10:20:50 AM

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