Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

Still unrelated but here's a video of me doing pretty hard courtyard bosses on the new spec.

A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Mathil wrote:
Still unrelated but here's a video of me doing pretty hard courtyard bosses on the new spec.


That was pretty ridiculously fast for killing double bosses with those mods. I'm really intrigued by the new build. Are you running with IIQ/IIR gear other than the Windripper?
Mathil wrote:
Still unrelated but here's a video of me doing pretty hard courtyard bosses on the new spec.


Dat button smashing in the background at the beginning of the fight :D. Seems like this spec does way better than your buzzsaw when it comes to dps but I guess it's cause of spike damage coming from crits.
Last edited by borek664#0255 on Mar 29, 2014, 6:42:01 PM
Here is my Gear so Far Does this seem decent? Cant afford the alpha or a 6l at the moment.

which weapon should i use?

IGN - Duck_Ya

was happy with the cold+aspd , but used regal and bam , top lightning dmg , probably never gonna change my weapon.
yeah i had 1 with high ASPD & Lightning Damage then when I regaled it I got 1 mana gain on kill. wasn't as lucky as you. Then I hit someone up asking them how much they wanted for their weapon on poe.xyz.is and his response was No Co No Now....still not sure how much he wanted. So I'll continue using this one until I either craft or buy a better 1
deiko2 wrote:
I am currently at lvl69 where I don't know how to proceed. I am trying to find gear with WED and life, but it seems that for these rolls you always have to pay few exalts and I can't afford it.

I bought my Alpha's for 4ex 10chaos. My biggest acquisition ever, but that's the only expensive thing I can afford. I bought a new belts yesterday for 15chaos and that hurt a bit too. And the gloves for 5chaos. I still don't know how much I should pay for stuff so I hope I haven't been too far off.

My current gear:

The question is what should I upgrade next and in which order? Is it even possible without spending 5 exalts per ring? Let's say that I can't pay more than 1 ex per piece and that really is the maximum if not already too much.

By the way, for colouring that Alpha's I spent 183 chromatics (This has been asked many times in this thread).

Piety looted a lightning coil. Incredible. That was just the item I was looking for :) Now my survivability is a lot better. I still need new gear, because my cold resistance is only 50 and I need more life and WED.

Current gear:

I guess that at least I have to replace that amethyst ring with some better one as well as the amulet. After those the next step would be getting a better foil. It should be easy enough to craft something better if I find a foil with ilvl 75 or something.

My DPS is 4,7 k with ST. Am I doing good or should it be a lot higher with 17 lvl auras?

Current skill tree:
Spent today another 131 Chroms on my Alphas.
Still no RRGB but for the 2nd time RRRB...

It´s bugged!
My final DPS with all gems 20/20 !


My gear on standard:


Now I try to change the belt maybe with a belt with 30% elemental damange with weapons
IGN: iSteven_K

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