Attack Fight Kill [AFK] - PoE Guild
" Currently standing at 16 members, which is starting to fall nicely into the kind of numbers we have in mind as no one here is wanting to be part of those massive mmo type guild where you really dont know anyones playstyle and barely recognise their name in the guild roster. I stream daily at Last edited by Cellstorm#2539 on Jan 20, 2013, 7:10:00 PM
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" Its not a problem with us here regarding your time zone, we have had members from Canada and South Africa, so covering many different time zones. The only problem that could happen is that if your play times are vastly different from the rest of the guild members that you mostly end up online when we are all at work or asleep, that probably wouldn't be much fun for you if you miss the group events and races. I stream daily at
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Daily bump.
I stream daily at
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Random question, but do you guys have a guild on Rift, on the Argent shard? I swear I have seen 'AFK' as a guild name on there, so wondering if it's you lot. ;)
I'm not a n00b- I'm a Online Game Floor Examination Expert.
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Wondering what can someone expect upon joining you guys? I'm looking for some trustworthy people to get to end game asap and possibly carry on doing maps and stuff.
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" Hey there, that would be a different guild as we have never played Rift, just a coincidence with that. I stream daily at
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" Ah, fair enough. :) Good luck with the recruiting! I'm not a n00b- I'm a Online Game Floor Examination Expert.
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I thought this was going to be a game where someone lists 3 PoE NPCs and you have to decide which one you attack, which one you fight, and which one you kill.
I am disappointed. IGN: Iolar
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" You can expect us to be playing quite a lot of PoE, looking towards taking part in the shorter races. We are adults with jobs, families and so on, so the week long races are just something we will spectate on rather than partake in. We want to get to maps ideally by the end of the first week of open beta. However, some members have not had closed beta access and as a result may want to take it at a slower pace initially so gather up and understand the game to the depth that we like. We will operate the loot rule of, if something drops with someones name on then it is theirs regardless of if the timer runs out or not. It is that persons choice if they want the item or not, and if not they will let the rest of the group know then someone else who needs it can take it with pleasure. We wont be operating any crazy complex loot system such as DKP or any nonsense along those lines. We all have lucky days from time to time, we are not about to ruin someones lucky day by taking something that we all see as theirs. It basically all comes down to respect, we don't have need of a strict guild hierarchy, everyone is treated with the same respect as anyone else at all times. We have only had one case in the past of someone going against this, lets just say his attitude towards our female guild members left a lot to be desired. Also we expect people to be able to at least use TeamSpeak to hear the rest of the group you are with when doing stuff with the guild. If you want to use a mic and talk then all the better. Communication is key to a lot of games. Hope this answers some or all of what you asked, if not just reply with anything else I may have missed. I stream daily at
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Let's say I applied tomorrow. Is there any chance to get into a leveling group or a group of somewhat experienced players? Are there any spots left in those groups who want to take it to endgame asap?
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