Next race in 12 hours...

minezeye wrote:
Race times for America is really bad.

Keep giving GGG money and maybe they will notice and allocate a more western world friendly schedule... Or just add more races....

Tried this. No Luck so far.

Rozerozz wrote:
Nochalo wrote:
Listen to your signature :).

I lol'd hard.

Does not apply here.
The game does not adapt to you, you adapt to it.
Last edited by Delmas#1107 on Dec 5, 2013, 4:26:21 PM
Nochalo wrote:
Listen to your signature :).

And your sig is wrong. Its CwDT not CoDT.
I made a thread about this on reddit (where I knew the devs would actually see it), and it got 60 something net upvotes, but no dev response :(

Seriously they should at least let us practice descent/champions if they aren't going to actually let us race it.

They should also bear in mind that the people who can't race because they are at work, are also the ones with the money to donate.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
Last edited by reboticon#2775 on Dec 5, 2013, 4:44:38 PM
(Removed by admin)

I, as an european player, had to ditch at least 4-5 races i wanted to compete in because they were scheduled on 3-4 am CET. the last 2 weeks.

Everyone in the world has to deal with that, when I race in the afternoon Australian players might just sleep as well.

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Last edited by Jackson_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 6:50:07 PM
Vincendra wrote:
(Removed by admin)

I, as an european player, had to ditch at least 4-5 races i wanted to compete in because they were scheduled on 3-4 am CET. the last 2 weeks.

Everyone in the world has to deal with that, when I race in the afternoon Australian players might just sleep as well.

There is a block of 30 straight races where no one in the US who works or goes to school during "normal" hours can race any of them. Europeans successfully lobbied for more races that fit your timezone. Shows how egocentric Europeans are if you are complaining about missing 4 or 5 when we have 30 straight we can not do. See how generalizations work?
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
Last edited by Jackson_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 6:49:57 PM
reboticon wrote:
Vincendra wrote:
(Removed by admin)

I, as an european player, had to ditch at least 4-5 races i wanted to compete in because they were scheduled on 3-4 am CET. the last 2 weeks.

Everyone in the world has to deal with that, when I race in the afternoon Australian players might just sleep as well.

There is a block of 30 straight races where no one in the US who works or goes to school during "normal" hours can race any of them. Europeans successfully lobbied for more races that fit your timezone. Shows how egocentric Europeans are if you are complaining about missing 4 or 5 when we have 30 straight we can not do. See how generalizations work?

Then why do you generalize?

Not everyone is working dayshifts, not everyone is working Monday- Friday. Not everyon can play games in their free time.

Schadule is up to everyone in person. This is a Global Game. If theschadule of a race is set to 20:00 PST its 4 in the morning for me. You are happy, I am not.

I don't mind personal critique on the schedule. I detest the whole national and geographic tone you guys transport here (we US. We important! Hugh!).

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Last edited by Jackson_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 6:49:37 PM
Vincendra wrote:

Schadule is up to everyone in person. This is a Global Game. If theschadule of a race is set to 20:00 PST its 4 in the morning for me. You are happy, I am not.

I don't mind personal critique on the schedule. I detest the whole national and geographic tone you guys transport here (we US. We important! Hugh!).

While the game may be global, timezones and work schedules are local.

There is a very simple fix - add more races throughout the 24 hour period or spread the existing ones over a wider range of time.

If a GGG employee must be at the helm of every race, than I can see where this would limit the schedule.

Otherwise, the giant empty blocks of time where no races are up is a disservice to the people who want to race and can only race/play during that time.

There is a very simple fix - add more races throughout the 24 hour period or spread the existing ones over a wider range of time.

Just this, no need to talk trash at one another guys, i'm pretty sure everybody would appreciate more races.

I play EU times, and sometimes there are gaps of 4 hours without a race, and then i end up wondering *why is this?*. Maybe server related etc.

People don't have to pay to participate in a race (luckily) so maybe it is just as simple as server availability. It's the only logical explanation i can come up with.

I do feel sorry for you guys, but there will always be a timezone left in the cold, unless they plan a race every single hour with overlapping ones.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Different server locations, different race times.

Easy fix, adjust races per server location.
Choo Choo Madafaka
It does kinda suck. I haven't been able to do a race in awhile. I believe when they schedule too many races though, more people complain that the races don't mean much because there are so many. It just widens the gap even more between those who are playing for 12-16 hours and those who aren't. Since no matter how good you are at races, it just comes down to how many you can do. If they schedule more races, you might be able to do a few more that suits your schedule but those who are already around for much longer than you are just going to do even MORE races and thus be that much further ahead.
Of course, that only matters if you care about placement on the season ladder. If you just like races because they are fun and doing well in individual races(Like myself) and season points, it really doesn't matter how many races they schedule.

All I know is that there is going to be a 10 day gap between Descent: Champions races for me that I can do and that blows. I love that thing.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
Last edited by CliveHowlitzer#0568 on Dec 7, 2013, 2:45:53 AM

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