When are following issues being fixed? 1 Player HP in Party races and Critrolling

This would have a huge impact on party race strategies though, can't send players do to side quests or zones seperately, etc...
But there is an obvious loophole, runners could just leave the party and then re-join once they are at hellrake, brutus, merveil, etc... same thing, just a little more complicated.

You would still be able to do that because players would only leave the party for side quests and rejoin on quest.

The solution would be global HP depending on partysize and only players being in the party at the point of instance creation get the quest.

I also don't remember Hilbert having problems with tagging bosses on the first day of turbo 1 week. Just another personal vendetta against Mors? "Ooh, they're killing turbo bosses with 1 player hp, pathetic abusers herp derp"

I don't know but somehow you are paranoid or Morsexier is and brags in mumble that it is a nonexistant vendetta. The 1 player HP bug has been found by the ToE guys in CB and not by him.

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And how did I exploit the 1 player bug in 1 week Turbo on the first day when I played only 4 hours and certainly we did not exploit 1 player HP in those 4h. We did it on on Piety/Vaal Merciless but that's rather because the amount of HP got ramped up to to MMORPG scales and even on 1 player the bosses have got quiet much HP. And show me a short timed race where those additional 15-20´5 min fighting matter in merciless?-->There isn't one. The 1 weekers are decided by total playtime and luck in drops+maps.
In short timed races it makes a huge difference if you need 1/6 of the regular time to kill a boss.

Also this issue has got at last 5 threads(I think even more) in the Feedback Forum but all sank down and only the CB one got a dev answer that he didn't know that 1 player tagging was possible.

There hasn't been one in Race Feedback forum yet.

The only raceissue that got fixed quiet fast was the "Lethal Dummy Shield" issue when monsters still targeted grace perioded players after 1 player HP tagging. The issue got fixed 1 week after the 20 second grace period extension. There were only 3 lethal races where this has been exploited.(and the results were obvious when the 2-3 exploiting parties had 0 rips and were 10-18 levels higher than the next non exploiting parties.

The fix also had the nice side effect that there weren't any zoning rips any more because mobs also stopped attacking zoning players.

So why not fix that issue and make quest leeching possible at certain queststates (Piety killing wouldn't open the sceptre of God but you don't have to be present on weaverkill for example to receive the spear if the instance creator still needs the spear)

I'll just give the easiest solution: do the same thing as with bandits.

I think you need to watch party race streams once.

The party of 6 is a complete split with some players farming expzones while progressed players kill some mobs around bandits and tp out-->1 player HP tagged.
Never wondered why the leading parties don't have got 2 groups of the same level but rather 6 individual experiences with 2-3 level difference?
Last edited by Michael_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 2:14:53 AM
You exploited the 1 player HP bug by being in a party with me and grindis, while we ran everything from normal piety to cruel sarn.

Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM
"When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P"
You overleveled till 40-42 on cruel ledge and that was only cruel brutus, Vic invited me.
Nobody tagged merveil.

While technically it was during the first 24h for me it was the second day.

I am pretty sure I was releveling myself because I reached ledge when you were already doing ledge runs for hours. I played really casually and didn't enter cruel after 4h.
You died in cruel act3 when I wasn't even online.
Grindis also died when I wasn't in your party/online.

When I was playing there were only 2 live rips(One_wee_raymo and Iwillreeeep or so) till my rip.

I tagged brutus, merv and vaal. Grindis tagged bandits. You were present in the party for all of that (you and dime joined us after normal piety).

What does it matter when and where we died? Are you trying to belittle me like that? You were accusing us of an exploit, while in fact you had no problem doing it yourself (otherwise you would have left the party and killed the bosses yourself). Can you cut the bullshit about overleveling in ledge and other random stuff and just admit it?

Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM
"When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P"
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#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by Michael_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 2:08:44 AM
I left the party when you reached act 2 because of a trade then a regular of your party progressing further joined again and like I said when did those minutes matter in a 1 week race?

The closest result in a 1 week race was the 1 week Turbo prior the OB one, with #2 mouze and #3 me being 3k exp apart and still there were differences in playtime of several hours.
Name a 1 week event where more players are affected. Especially after the Dec 2012 1 weeker it makes zero difference if you tag bosses or not and there isn't a big difference in playtime.

Are you trying to belittle me like that? You were accusing us of an exploit, while in fact you had no problem doing it yourself (otherwise you would have left the party and killed the bosses yourself).

No you come in this thread because of any reason maybe because I created the thread and cry around. Where were you the other threads?

And there is a major difference between active exploiter and passive exploiter.

Take Kripparians random party runs. He rushes Upper Prison and tells other players to exp in ledge/lower prison under the veil nobody dying while running but in reality it's only for tagging brutus on 1 player HP.

Fact is that the majority of newer players don't know this exploit.

Stop spamming the thread when you know this is an exploit that needs to go away.
You aren't any better than the other users which complained in CB when Aurasgems got removed later switched the aura disappeared.

This would also do really good in CTs if bosses get 12 player HP on fully invaded instances so PVPers are on Top and not racers overleveling and then killing everybody 4+ levels lower than them.
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"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Last edited by Michael_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 2:04:56 AM
[removed by admin]
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Last edited by Michael_GGG#0000 on Dec 5, 2013, 2:13:01 AM
I don't understand why it is a problem that monsters can be "tagged" to one player health. It is what you might call a mechanic of the game that rewards planning and coordination in team play (aren't teams supposed to benefit from coordination?).

I don't think it is an exploit because there is a tradeoff between time and loot. You have the option of taking more time to kill the boss on full party hp to gain more loot, or taking less time to kill the boss on one player health knowing that you will receive less loot. Yes, bosses are easier to defeat in parties, but you are racing against other parties who have the same opportunity to tag bosses to one player health.

I suppose it can be difficult for new players who don't know all the tricks of the trade, but there are plenty of top racers who stream, making that sort of information easily available. New players don't know all the vendor recipes either, but I don't think anyone would argue that all recipes should be removed, or disabled for races. Is it bad that knowledge of the game gives you an advantage?
cobaIt wrote:
I don't understand why it is a problem that monsters can be "tagged" to one player health. It is what you might call a mechanic of the game that rewards planning and coordination in team play (aren't teams supposed to benefit from coordination?).

I don't think it is an exploit because there is a tradeoff between time and loot. You have the option of taking more time to kill the boss on full party hp to gain more loot, or taking less time to kill the boss on one player health knowing that you will receive less loot. Yes, bosses are easier to defeat in parties, but you are racing against other parties who have the same opportunity to tag bosses to one player health.

I suppose it can be difficult for new players who don't know all the tricks of the trade, but there are plenty of top racers who stream, making that sort of information easily available. New players don't know all the vendor recipes either, but I don't think anyone would argue that all recipes should be removed, or disabled for races. Is it bad that knowledge of the game gives you an advantage?

Do you think its fair versus a new players?

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