My Guide to Kripparrian's Original 2H Physical Sword Spectral Throw Ranger [1.0.4]
I just wanted to thank you for putting together a very precise and concise guide. It is easy to read and well organized, without any of the pontificating and carrying on that bogs down a lot of the other guides. Much appreciated!
I just reeeped my summoner while attempting to refill my drink. I'm going to give this a go, for a change of pace. Cheers. | |
Could you please tell me the pros and cons of spending additional points to reach blood magic i n the tree on this build. thanks in advanced
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" There is no pro's to it, dont do it, using blood magic gems is so much better, you wouldnt be able to run auras. |
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Really enjoying this build, got it to 78 now and having no problems running maps solo.
Up to 3k st and 16k ds. Ign: Pandamower
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Thanks for the feedback, it's a great build. I was asking about blood magic because i am really undergeared and extremely poor, i only have 5L gear. I thought it would make it easier for me. Other than that it's the most successful build i have ever tried. Great job and thx again
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How do you go about accuracy? I'm 71 right now, got all the accuracy nodes except for 20 missing percent and I'm at 84 only :/ guess it's the low dex compared to crit builds. Would it for that matter maybe be worth taking Legendary Swordsman, even though I'd have to spend one more passive on 10 strength?
IGN: MatCauthon
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" Try to use a sword that has a base of 30% accuracy, and get +Accuracy on as much gear as you can, really the only way if you want to follow this guide completely. There are some accuracy nodes you are right next to to take, but for me at least I just got as much as I can on my gear for now. |
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Currently running this build, with this gear;
The amulet allows me to run ST and Double Strike without blood magic or life leech, using 4 damage supports instead, resulting in 30k dps double strike and 6k spectral throw (LMPd) on 5 links, 5k hp, 6k armor. Fantastic build. IGN: vaiNe_
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Marauder version (more tanky): Last points you can spend in: (Stats per 1 skill point) Blade of Renown (6 points) 8% physical damage => 8.33% 6% accuracy 1.66% armor 1.66 str (0.83hp, 0.33% physical damage) 5 dex (10 accuracy rating) Legendary Swordsman (4 points) 8% physical damage => 8.5% 7% accuracy 0.5% attack speed 2.5 str (1.25 hp, 0.5% physical damage) Razor's Edge (7 points) 7.71% physical damage => 8.57% 2.86% accuracy 1.71% hp 4.29 str (2.15 hp, 0.86% physical damage) Brutal Blade (5 points) (you can get to 28% life nodes!) 5.2% physical damage => 6% 1.2% attack speed 2.4% accuracy 4 str (2 hp, 0.8% physical damage) 2 dex (4 accuracy rating) 1 str = 0.5 hp 1 str = +0.4% physical damage 1 dex = 2 accuracy rating |
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" This already isnt the best damage dealing build out there, this version would just make it worse, going ranger is already pretty tanky, I have over 10K armor and 5k life and my gear isnt that great. |
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