[1.0.6] 2H Mace Spectral Throw Build - Best of all worlds
Basic skeleton done.
Build credits goes to Tiduz.
Basic Abbreviations
ST = Spectral Throw DS = Double Strike FA = Faster Attacks FC = Faster Casting CoDT = Cast on Damage Taken IR = Iron Reflexes BM = Bad manners/bad mannered - no just kidding - Blood Magic US = Unwavering Stance RT = Resolute Technique LL = Life Leech MS = Movement speed LGoH = Life gain on hit GMP = Greater Multiple Projectiles LMP = Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Why mace?
Swords and Maces have the same maximum DPS potential, implicit mods aside, one is faster but has lower base damage, other is slower but has higher base damage. The DPS result is the same, but the tradeoff is speed and the implicit mod. However, this build runs Resolute Technique (can't miss), so the accuracy on swords is wasted. In addition, the stun on maces is great for party synergy (cause stun=mobs don't move or attack, breaks spell cast too). It is true however that axes have the highest DPS potential of 2H weps, but when you're buying weapons, it's not like you're going to get a discount from the seller just because it's an axe (or at least, not a substantial one). The price is based on the DPS (which axes can get to easier). Still not convinced. Aight, so 2h nodes share dmg/speed and some share dmg/life and also dmg/acc. Swords have tree strings with crit mutli (waste), maces have tree strings with stun duration/reduced threshold (synergy in parties, yay), and axes have raw damage (admittedly better than maces, but no party synergy or solo survivability). But dude, finding a good 2H mace is so annoying! Mate, finding accuracy on your gear sucks harder, lol. Plus, why get higher accuracy just to hit, when you can hit AND stun? Wait wait wait, Etup runs a GG Nemesis ranger, so your build something something. Yeah, I'm too pussy for HC so he definitely has more credibility than me. Here's roughly the tradeoffs between the specs. His build is forced to get inefficient Life/EVA nodes (4/6) to "get going" but it passes a convenient 8% speed node. This build gets -30% crit damage taken (absolutely substantial) and passes by 12% all res (Diamond Skin) which is great for levelling, plus you get +2% to MAX resistances (effectiveness increases substantially as resist nears 100%). Accuracy on his spec is not used for comparison because Reso Tech > Acc anyway, and crit for a non-crit specialised build is not reliable DPS anyway. However, there's two upsides to his build. First, it's close Wrecking Ball which many players probably won't get for this build (you can, and trade off the Leather and Steel region [which is the 24% armor/eva + no MS loss]), second, his build has about 50% extra in life nodes (at the cost of damage of course) and he has 20% Proj Speed from Ballistic Mastery (the ranger node). Bullshit, as if you do more damage. Bro, this buid has like 322 STR just from 71 points (skeleton), 5 pts = 1% dmg from Iron Grip. And because this build has lots of armor nodes through mace points/node specific, it makes up the defence that the other build has.
Pros: - Great damage because ST is pretty OP atm (hits like 3 times per proj at optimal location, 2 times easily, once if you're bad). - Cheap to gear, don't need 5L+ (obviously it helps). This isn't a build where I pull out a Tabula or legacy kaoms and call it cheap. - Very easy to level because all skill gems come from quest rewards (or are otherwise easily attainable). - Extremely tanky due to Iron Reflexes, numerous armor/eva nodes and -30% crit damage taken. - Very versatile because you can choose if you want more damage, more stuns, more life, more attack speed etc. - Easy to level because you pass by two main resist nodes, lots of life nodes, Resolute Tech and also Blood Magic (which you can sustain due to regen on life gain on hit/life leech. - Great damage, and great party synergy due to stuns. - Insanely fast attack speed and can be faster due to build flexibility (admitedly slower than Frenzy archer but those builds have like 4+ frenzy charges...). And as a result, gameplay will be faster paced than other builds, like EK (soooo slooowwwwww) - Spectral Throw (ST) pierces, and shoots literally screen wide with a normal Faster Projectiles gem. LA/EK do not pierce (but they can shoot screen wide). - Has IR, so many options on gear (AR or AR/EVA) which means easier socket color rolling. - Has RT, so you'll never miss. - Has US, so you'll never get stunned, but Blind also won't work (no biggy). - Has Leather and Steel, no movement speed penalty from armor. - If you can afford some gear (like 6 chaos on Domination at point of writing), your levelling will be insanely fast and fun. The chaos is spent on levelling 2h like Geofris etc. Cons: - Thorns will eff you up because you attack too fast (and LL won't leech in time) to realise there are thorns mobs. Otherwise you can attack slower and you'll be fine. Phys reflect has same issue (or no issue really). Or you can just use CoDT/Cry/Call gem links below. - Requires an int/dex necklace at start for gems (Hatred) and/or curses (Enfeeble, Vulnerability). However, you'll cross by 40 int at about level 23ish (after quests of course). - Requires maces. But then again, finding accuracy on gear would be more annoying. Plus, instead of using points on dmg/ACC nodes, it goes to dmg/ARM or dmg/STUN (or dmg/LIFE). - There are recommended uniques that do make a difference, but the build is extremely strong without them.
The build
This build is extremely versatile. If you want damage, get damage, you want life, get life, you want resists, get resist, it's so close to all the best nodes you can even respec out of them on the fly. Note: Melee Physical Damage nodes do not affect ST, only physical damage nodes do. Melee Phys affects Double Strike/Heavy Throw however.
Build Skeleton - only 71/120
Complete 117/120 build
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAdwB5wUtCZYOPA_MEtkUIBRxGS4Z6Ro4Gj4b-iE0Jd8nICftKaUxnjIJMn41kjboOlI64Ts7QKBBP0GqR35KfUrITeNOKlBHUFBR5lRJVvpYPVhjWK9Z81uvXz9gS2DEYSFlTWdYZ6Bqk2xGbmluqnJscql07XgNeu982Xz1gSuE2YTvh3aI8YoijM-QVZSHnrmexZ_LpBmmV6ZkpzCnhKluq8WsWayqtC-18rZBud2-ir6nwA_AGsCmwPPG2MmY0k3Uj9Xt3Q3ewd-y4urkredS6wnvDvGs8i_z3fZI9zL3vvjr_In8xf6P OR http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAecFLQmWDjwPzBLZFCAUcRUgGNsZLhnpGjgaPiE0IWAnICftKaUqTSzpMZ4yCTJ-NZI26DpSOuE7Oz8nQKBBP0GqSn1KyE3jTipQR1BQUeZUSVb6WD1YY1ivWfNbr18_YEtgxGdYZ6Bqk2wWbEZuqnJscql07XTxeA1673zZfPWBK4Pbh3aI8YoijM-QVZSHnrmexZ_LplemZKcwp4SpbqxZrKq0L7XytkG53b6nwA_AGsCmwPPG2MmYznHSTdSP1e3dDd7B37LkredS52PrCe8O8azyL_Pd9kj3Mve--Ov8S_yJ_MX-Cv6P lol, 117/120, OP you're stupid, no one that's going to reach 100 is going to need a guide. Yeah probably, the complete build is to demonstrate the versatility of nearby nodes that players can pick up.
The Links
Roughly in order of importance. Obviously if you can only get 4L then use the first four, or whatever fits your playstyle. If there are two options, bolded is my recommendation. 6L is absolutely NOT required to be strong. You only need 2% phys mana leech to sustain ST spam. AoE (6L, GGGRGR) - Spectral Throw, LMP/GMP, Faster Attacks, Life Leech/Life Gain on Hit, Faster Projectiles, Added Fire Damage
Spec Throw - Damage skill. LMP/GMP - LMP/GMP? Up to you, for levelling, if you can get a GMP use it because you'll have LGoH, end game use LMP. Faster Attacks - Because attacking slow is boring. LL/LGoH - LGoH is for levelling because the leech won't keep up with attack speed due to Blood Magic HP consumption. Faster Projectiles - To attack further, thereby further away from getting meleed, also has some projectile damage. Added Fire Damage - More % Phys damage scaling which is great on 2H. Single Target (6L, GGRRR?) - Double Strike, Faster Attacks, Life Leech/Life Gain on Hit, Mulistrike, Melee Physical Damage, Added Fire Damage.
Double Strike - Why not Heavy Strike? This is up to you, double strike makes you gain leech twice and applies stun chance twice (even though Heavy Strike straight up has reduced threshold). Faster Attacks - Slow is boring =/ LL/LGoH - Same as above. Multistrike - More attack speed to apply stuns. Also saves mana due to additional attacks. Melee Physical Damage - Better damage scaling than Added Fire but only works on melee attacks which is why it's not on ST. Added Fire Damage - Same as above description. Movement (4L, RGRR) - Leap Slam, Faster Attacks, Blood Magic, Endurance Charge on Stun (Optional)
Leap Slam - Goes over terrain. Synergizes with attack speed nodes. Whirling Blades is 1h only and Lightning Warp is bad for us because we have no cast speed. Faster Attacks - Cause jumping like King Kong is boring when you can jump like Hulk. Blood Magic - You probably won't be hitting much when moving, so you can't rely on mana leech. BM is fine because you'll regen the HP back. End. Charge on Stun - Optional, I haven't tested this, but sounds nice. However, with codt you'll get immunity with Immortal Call during leaps anyway. Aura (4L, RGB) - Reduced Mana, Grace/Hatred, 40% Aura such as Vitality/Purity (Optional)
Reduced Mana - No brainer. Reduces % based mana reserve by more %. Grace/Hatred - You can get either or both. I recommend Grace early game because on your way (and with) Iron Reflexes, it's great defence if you have gear with no armor/eva. Or if you do, roll Hatred. Hatred scales % wise, again great with 2H. Vitaliy/Purity - When you've levelled up Reduced Mana enough, you can support a 60% and 40% and have a buffer for DS/ST. CoDT (4L, RRRB) - Cast on Damage Taken (1), Enduring Cry (5), Immortal Call (3), Increased Duration(3)/Curse of your choice (Enfeeble [5]).
Cast on Damage Taken (Level 1) - FoTM trigger gem. Cast spell when you take x damage. Enduring Cry - To get Endurance Charges which give armor reduction and ele resist. Immortal Call - Makes you immune to phys damage which is the perfect counter to phys reflect. 0.2 base duration, CoDT has 0.25 internal CD, might have 0.05 downtime. Won't with Increased Duration. Increased Duration - Increases base Immortal Call duration to 0.308s which is longer than the internal CD of CoDT. Enfeeble - Great for when you get hit by ranged attacks. Reduces enemy damage, crit%, crit multi. Reduced accuracy doesn't work because unwavering stance makes you always get hit. This setup essentially guarantees you won't be instagibbed by monsters meleeing you if you get frozen or Brutus pulls you in or something. But keep in mind it's phys immunity only. Other - CoDT/Cry, CoDT/Curse, Curse/Faster Casting or Increased Duration All up to you.
Normal: Oak - Life is GG Cruel: Phys Damage - 18% is pretty GG again. Merciless: Oak or Passive, the passive tree goes right past an Endurance Charge so you have the option of either - or both! I recommend passive though.
Uniques to make levelling easy
None of these are required at all, just if you have spare currency it will make levelling drastically easier. Weps: Any 2H wep with high DPS (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_unique_items#Two-handed_axes) Other: Tabula Rasa for 6L. Goldwyrm boots for MS and fire res (for docks dogs), Slitherpinch gloves for attack speed and leech. Goldrim hat for all res.
Gems you need to buy/Not from quests
- 2 Faster Attacks, you need 3 total, but you get two from quests in Merciless. One will be used for Leap Slam which doesn't need FA so early. The two is for DS and ST. - Spectral Throw - But you can make a Scion for this. - Double Strike - Make a duelist. - Cast when damage taken OR Multistrike, you need both, but you only get 1 from quest. - LMP/GMP, LMP is cheap and used end-game, if you have a spare GMP lying around you can use for levelling. The build recommends LMP.
First, make a Scion (if you don't have Scion enabled, you're sort of screwed, perhaps ask a friend or someone to help you), run it to Hillock, kill it, go into camp, drop the Spectral Throw in stash. Run a duelist now and get Double Strike from the Blacksmith dude (or don't, if you want Heavy Strike which is Marauder default, or get it from Cruel Hillock). Get out of Marauder tree picking up life and resist, all points here will help immensely with Act 1 bosses. Pick up any 2H you can use Spec Throw with that has high damage. Head towards Resolute Techniques so you'll never miss, skip Ele Adaptation because you're probably not going to hit res cap now. Pick up Blood Magic so you don't have to worry about mana anymore. Life gain on hit makes this no problem. Note: Get Leap Slam from Brutus reward. Life Gain on Hit from pre-Mervil reward. Pro-tip: You can have Viper Strike for an off hand 1H wep to make Brutus REALLY easy. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBGS4n7UGqUFBUSVhjXz9yqXzZjM-sqrndxtjUj9-_51LvDvIv9kj3Mvjr
This is only 38 points, and you have you 6 from normal quests extra (so 44). With the spare points, you can either get Sentinel next to Scion, or more attack speed with Acceleration next to Duelist through the armor nodes (check the finished tree for path). Or you can get life next to Scion again. Keep upgrading wep DPS. Note: Get Hatred and Grace as soon as you see it, because Marauders only have one quest to get it for each (Intruders in Black A2N/Hillock Cruel). http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAecUIBRxGS4n7TIJMn426DpSQapGaVBHUFBUSVhjWK9fP2xGcmxyqXgNfNmMz5_LpzCpbqyqud3G2NSP37_nUu8O8i_2SPcy97746w==
At this stage you should know what you're doing. Get the basic skeleton and respec based on your needs. Get IR ASAP, then go for Troll's Blood. Check the completed tree for node ideas. You may have realised that even up until now, no stats have been used in mace specific nodes. So you could really go into swords/axes if you really wanted. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEBAdwB5wUtFCAUcRkuG_ol3yftKaUxnjIJMn41kjboOlJAoEGqRmlHfkrITeNOKlBHUFBUSVhjWK9fP2BLYSFlTWqTbEZuaW6qcmxyqXTteA1673zZhNmE74jxjM-euZ_LpBmmV6cwqW6rxaxZrKq18rZBud2-ir6nwA_G2NJN1I_V7d-_4urnUu8O8i_2SPcy97746_6P
End game gear
All res/res/life is best on all gear, followed by special stats available in certain slots. Wep: High Physical DPS Mace Armor: All res/life depending on if you got all res passives. Neck: Recommended Life Leech, you can use Carnage Heart until you find a 6% rare neck with decent stats. Gloves/Ring: Attack speed Boots: Movement speed. Pretty simple really.
My current gear
I have 77/77/77/37 resists, 2976 life. 1.8k ST DPS with no Wrath. 6.9k armor, 46% reduction with Grace. You probably want Bubbling for most and one high regen one, and/or throw a granite/jade in there. But make sure you have one of every ailment just in case (you won't need them most of the time). Other notes: Last edited by Syncness#0493 on Feb 24, 2014, 10:58:20 PM
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nice writeup of build we discussed ^^
Been fine tuning ST builds and this marauder version I think is slightly better than scion version (for maces obviously) The guide is backed up by actual characters, but my build unfortunately is with a scion so its the same as this but not quite as nice by a few skill pts Last edited by tidus1492#3642 on Dec 3, 2013, 5:39:19 PM
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Interesting. Was thinking of making a Scion ST'er, but this sounds like fun as well. How's survivability though? Got enough spare mana to perhaps pick up MoM?
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8-10 times die Ranger 60-75+ lvl
I First Try enother bild, you use intresting build. Tnx. This bild good in HC? Last edited by NewJournal#3683 on Dec 4, 2013, 5:05:24 AM
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" Won't have enough spare mana because the regen is poor (str based with no int, no mana regen nodes) and mana needs to be reserved for an aura. Grace gives about 4k ev (armor) and Hatred gives about 500DPS for me. It's possible to use both and have double strike on BM or mana leech. " Haven't tried in HC but most likely very doable due to the flexibility of nodes. Simply prioritize resist and life nodes before attack speed and damage ones. Also, a core part of this build is CwDT + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call. Essentially it guarantees you'll have enough time to react to pot or run away just in case something happens. Most of the time you'll just leech back to full as long as you don't actually get one shot (which is very unlikely with 77% capped res and 5.9k armor with a tabula lol). Perhaps Dominus boom is the only thing that might one-shot, but only with a shock stack and no enfeeble, ha. |
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You dont get lmp or gmp as marauder do you? so thats something that you need to buy. Or am I wrong, then when do you get it?
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What's the highest level someone's been on this build?
It seems like a lot of fun to play but I want to know if it's viable endgame with non-OP gear. Thanks in adanvce! |
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" Sorry I forgot about this. Yes, Marauder does not have LMP reward and GMP is like one of the last quests on Merci. The other option is to buy LMP or quest up to Cave of Anger on a ranger and get the reward from Nessa. " Tiduz is 86 at the moment with 5.4k some life. I'm sitting at 3k life level 75 with 77/77/77/37 res and I never drop below half. I've also prioritized some damage nodes over life whereas Tiduz gets all life nodes first. Best part about this build is that it's strong at 4L, so you can buy non-linked chest/glove/wep/shoes with res/life and do it yourself (chest especially). Last edited by Syncness#0493 on Dec 5, 2013, 10:13:44 AM
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Thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to try it out. Seems like a lotta fun.
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