PoEStatistics.com - extended statistics

Helpful website
Ladder may not download regularly. It is caused by game server crash.
http://path-of-exile.pl Polska strona

http://poestatistics.com Ladder statistics
Really nice site, thanks!

To tinfoil hat ppl.... Only your friends whom YOU'VE told your in-game char name, can "track" you in anyway (in real life that is). sheesh... Those stat will come in handy when ppl are looking for people to party with (you cant lie about your online game time ect.).

I really can't see what gets some of you "worried"...
Last edited by typen22#2873 on Feb 2, 2013, 8:11:16 AM
Do you have any suggestions about website? Any improvement ideas?
http://poetools.com/ - PATH OF EXILE TOOLS
Last edited by kompostownik#5345 on Jan 30, 2013, 4:26:01 PM
Online time would be "fun". So you know when the bots starts poping up (if they havent already).

The site is claiming I've been on for 3 days straight now. Seems pretty inaccurate to me.


Both inaccurate. I'm 50+ on duelist, site says I'm just 41.
tatefin wrote:

The site is claiming I've been on for 3 days straight now. Seems pretty inaccurate to me.


Both inaccurate. I'm 50+ on duelist, site says I'm just 41.

It hasn't seemed to update character stats in a couple of days. I wonder how often it is updated.
I can't find any characters :/

Username or characters don't exist...

Edit : My bad. You must be in the 15.000 first, right ?
Last edited by Gorghyn#5958 on Feb 4, 2013, 2:25:30 AM
this is absurd, flex your e-peen somewhere else.

GGG, I am getting turned off by shenanigans like this... and I am sure others are as well.
typen22 wrote:
Really nice site, thanks!

To tinfoil hat ppl.... Only your friends whom YOU'VE told your in-game char name, can "track" you in anyway (in real life that is). sheesh... Those stat will come in handy when ppl are looking for people to party with (you cant lie about your online game time ect.).

I really can't see what gets some of you "worried"...

As you might have noticed, gaming becomes a more and more mainstream hobby that is done by many people. People in "the office" start to talk about games sometimes and it cant be hard to imagine that people play together with their co-workers and or superiors.
You dont have to be a lazy... that doesnt go to work to see that there could be a problem if your "boss" can see what you did after work. And to be honest that is no ones business anyway.

Sites like this have no "real" advantage and are just meaningless stats you can look into for a minute to puddle your e-peen when used properly. The drawbacks on the other hand are much more severe and can even prevent you from playing with other people that you know, so they cant see your stats, simply because they are not the kind of people you want to share your online history with.

Also the "tinfoil" guy has a point about the impressum and lack of removal function since it could be relevant from a legal point of view. You just have to hope for the owner of the site that he is based in a country where there are not quick ways act against something like that. In germany for example he could get a adhortatory letter with a fine and lawyer fee of a few hundred euros in about a week, if "tinfoil hat guy" would make a free phone call about the issue.
Its dumb to believe that the site would be protected by the PoE ToS since they only protect GGG for giving away the information, but not other party who displays it. On top of that ToS agreements are not legally enforceable in all countries. If the owner of the site is based in europe it could be possible that the ToS or parts of it are void anyway.(not that it would matter for PoEstatistics.com since they are not protected by the ToS anyway)

Dont get me wrong i have no personal problem with the service, but i can understand why some people have and if i would be in a different position i would probably have a problem with it too. So dont dismiss someone as "tinfoil hat guy" only because some problems dont affect you personally.

Last edited by Droggeltasse#3624 on Feb 4, 2013, 6:50:36 AM

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