What is your favorite race mode?

Now that we've had the chance to try so many different modes, what's your favorite?

This is a poll of sorts. Hopefully GGG can use this to inform their future race distributions. I figure a GGG dude will eventually have to drop by this forum to keep Morsexier from flooding Day X posts, and would like to have some more community feedback for them to see than just protest of cheating. If you can think of another good feedback topic then make one and keep it bumped while Morsexier gets us some attention, but in the meantime vote in my poll
I'll vote first, my favorite mode is Descent. Add to the list for easy reading:

Descent - 1
Old Descent.

I think, with the exception of mob density, there really isn't anything wrong with it imo. Normal races annoy me alot more because they are mostly about weapon RNG, which is pretty much a non-factor in Descent, given how much currency you get. I don't have streamer RNG, so it doesn't rain alchs for me.

As an interesting side note, in all the 2h solos I've done this season (10?) I found a combined 2 alchs in total. Not really sure what's up with that.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Dec 1, 2013, 9:24:57 PM
I am going to cheat a bit and name two with the second one being a little pseudo-ish:

1: Turbo. Wait what? You mean desync mode? Yes, turbo. Reason: I believe this is the mode where I learned the most when it comes to pushing it to the limit: When to move on and when to bail. What I can survive, what I cannot.

2: Anything new. The first few times playing ANY race mode has always been a blast, regardless of my opinion later on.

It would be CT if it was PVP based.

If I had to choose a specific Mode/Race time it would be Turbo Immolation Rogue CT 3h Solo.
Possibly even 4h-5h.

Actually a Race mode we never had.

1st No Armor movement penalty because heavy armors are useless
2nd Nasty surprises on Burning Ground bosses/exiles
3rd Overpowered gems become useless in PVP(I am looking at you Glacial Hammer)
4th Every player can reduce damage in later gameplay the have to choose if they reduce physical->Fire or elemental damamage(cold/lightning)
5th Rogues as Itemsource and some additional Danger.
6th Underrated Gems become useful->Artic Armor for example.
7th Turbo Rogue as difficulty and progression killer for players who only intend to race away.

Another hilarious Race mode would be 120-165min CT Signature.
A mode where you can actively prevent players from breaking your record because you can only invade players of your own chosen class.
Somebody is grinding Sarn and is better than you-->Sorry pal I have to kill you now!
Postings like "Got to level 27 got killed by x who was #2 from class, when doing my second docks run"
This would actually put an end to Grinding certain zones for level ups because doing Sarn, Docks will be extremly unsafe!
Players will progress and gain experience on non WP zones such as Solaris level 1. Sewers or even go to Dominus!

And considering Day # Topic
A dev will either give the answer I gave with "we ban thousand accounts daily" mambo jambo.(PoE free from players in 2 weeks according to that logic) or the same thing will happen as in the ARPGFAN Shitstorm.

Probation for 24h:"Please refrain from creating duplicate threads the original thread is [Link to Day 1]"
1 hour solo fixed seed.

Pretty vanilla, but it's the truth.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
New descent is a lot of fun, gearing up and pacing yourself to be exactly @ the boss with the right amount of time is very fun. Plus you get to use a mirror how awesome is that?

Endless Ledge - Endless Gore!

2 Hour Sig. Very nice format where progression is the key to victory followed up by a farm out in a very unforgiving zone. Even though 35mins in docks is a little bit to much its still very enjoyable. Especially non top-tier specs that do not have to much time in a3!
twitch.tv/nugiyen (Live almost everyday from 15.00 +1 GMT)
follow @nugiyen on twitter
anything where progressing to a3 isnt viable cause im bad at this game and my brain is made of poopoo
Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Dec 2, 2013, 9:37:27 AM
Hassefar60 wrote:
1: Turbo. Wait what? You mean desync mode? Yes, turbo. Reason: I believe this is the mode where I learned the most when it comes to pushing it to the limit: When to move on and when to bail. What I can survive, what I cannot.

This for me too. I became a much better player (in general) thanks to the turbo signature race last season.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
If someone from ggg reads this thread, and then decides to put more turbo races in again next season, I swear to god I will hunt every last one of you down...

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