Wulfenstein wrote:
Hopefully we can see a good PVP update in not too long:
PVP needs some changes before it becomes popular:
1. PVP button on hud to queue up from anywhere. No waiting around, I should be able to queue up, then continue farming while I wait. Then bam, PVP is ready and the game brings me directly into it. After the PVP I spawn in town.
2. Flasks need to reset after each round.
3. Bigger arenas with obstacles and monsters to kill so you can recharge your flasks.
4. Minions should not need to be recast.
5. Allow betting; basically a trade-like window that pops up, each party places orbs/items, whatever they're willing to bet, then both have to agree on it.
Bonus: Allow going hostile while in a party. Like the old days where someone would join your party, then all of a sudden they go hostile and it's on.
That "Bonus" idea is terrible. As you might remember, this was one of the most frustrating things about D2. Have a good party going, some rando lifer joins, hostiles your party, and fun time is over.
IGN: JohnVonNeumann
Posted byOrbifold#3586on Dec 1, 2013, 9:54:28 PM
Are you going to fix Cast on Crit with Storm?
Posted byChewtoy#0241on Dec 1, 2013, 9:58:54 PM
omg making a wand witch right now can't wait for new skill! sounds like a machine gunning sort of thing @_@
>new wand attack skill
I won't exaggerate, I need to buy a new pair of pants.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll-
Posted byDodgySmalls#0196on Dec 1, 2013, 10:06:47 PM
Still no DUEL patch ,, GGG when will you add the DUEL?
Posted bybagoong1322#2931on Dec 1, 2013, 10:07:13 PM
I've been waiting since closed beta to see updated armour 3d models. Preview that!

Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.
Posted byForsman#6827on Dec 1, 2013, 10:08:49 PM
nheowitzki wrote:
guys, you need to take a vacation.
Yes! Please don't get burned out.
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
Posted bytxfirefighter#3147on Dec 1, 2013, 10:11:50 PM
Paint me worried ... current desync situation and word Barrage is screaming a lot of deaths upon release 1.0.3
Posted byManiaCCC#5219on Dec 1, 2013, 10:15:09 PM
Orbifold wrote:
Wulfenstein wrote:
Hopefully we can see a good PVP update in not too long:
PVP needs some changes before it becomes popular:
1. PVP button on hud to queue up from anywhere. No waiting around, I should be able to queue up, then continue farming while I wait. Then bam, PVP is ready and the game brings me directly into it. After the PVP I spawn in town.
2. Flasks need to reset after each round.
3. Bigger arenas with obstacles and monsters to kill so you can recharge your flasks.
4. Minions should not need to be recast.
5. Allow betting; basically a trade-like window that pops up, each party places orbs/items, whatever they're willing to bet, then both have to agree on it.
Bonus: Allow going hostile while in a party. Like the old days where someone would join your party, then all of a sudden they go hostile and it's on.
That "Bonus" idea is terrible. As you might remember, this was one of the most frustrating things about D2. Have a good party going, some rando lifer joins, hostiles your party, and fun time is over.
Make your party private, voila no more randoms.
"It's a harsh, difficult world. You have to be prepared for it. We're not babying the players."
- Chris Wilson - Producer, Lead Designer @ Grinding Gear Games
Posted byWulfenstein#1313on Dec 1, 2013, 10:15:51 PM
"Passive skills to support degeneration and chaos damage skills."
My quill rain + poison arrow is excited.
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.