New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts

A list of Victims ?

it's not ! Role play dude played with the history of the game in mind and did something we should always do, having fun while respecting our ennemies.

He did such a thing asking them to Rest in default.
8 players party is fun! Welcome on Path Of Exile
Elrynastir2 wrote:
A list of Victims ?

it's not ! Role play dude played with the history of the game in mind and did something we should always do, having fun while respecting our ennemies.

He did such a thing asking them to Rest in default.

Names spoken, are names spoken, whether at graveside or in the Pub.
It is naming and shaming himself or the victims, depending on your point of view.
In any case, it is entirely gratuitous, which confirms it is defamatory.
That thread was created around 10 months before this particular policy came into force, so it is understandable that even if it were classified as Name & Shame that it wouldn't be edited.
== Officially Retired 27/02/2019 ==

Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years.

Best of luck in the future!
The antagonistic comment rule has got to be removed seriously. The mods just abuse it to probate people over the most harmless things.

NVM, see my new sig. A change is coming.
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
Last edited by bhavv#7360 on Nov 8, 2014, 1:28:50 AM
bhavv wrote:
Forum Guidelines and Naming Policy Rule C (As written by Bex_GGG):
C) Antagonise others in an 'OBNOXIOUS' manner
extremely unpleasant.

Obnoxious - literally anything any mod is almost kind of unhappy with.
"just for try, for see and for know"
So the worst mods have really unhappy lives?

I support this 100%! i have personally been subject to inappropriate comments on things ive said in the past in a constructive comment and downright been attacked over it! and in some cases it can even turn a new player or even a veteran away from the game entirely! which im sure is the last thing the development team wants.... to lose players!! for example... WOW... i quit that game just because of the horribley negative community i had to play with!! its not fun to play a game when your getting cussed and talked to like a dog for asking a question or simply not knowing something about the game!!
I wont tolerate being talked to in such a fashion IRL! (Because IRL... it could get you popped in the mouth) and i certainly wont tolerate it in a game either! Rule of thumb is... talk to and treat others the way you expect to be treated!! And if you are upset about a feature or something in the game.... im sure the devs will be much more willing to listen to you and possibly make a change if you address it in a civil manner!! if someone asks you to do something nicely and say things like please and such (common curtiousy and basic manners) most people will listen to you and atleast take it into consideration!! demanding or talking to someone like a dog will only result in anger and vindiction or just simply get you ingnored! Manners and respect go a long way not only in games but IRL as well!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz#1375 on Nov 11, 2014, 3:33:15 PM
Don't worry if GGG goes on EU promotion and is somewhere in Europe they will hear exactly the offensive speech they don't want to hear here.

And then they will leave the country with: "This country is so unfriendly more than the half just came to insult us"

lolozori wrote:
so apparently just mentioning the Word RMT in a post make you edited, because the Staff think using this word is advertising it.

That's probably because using that word IS indeed advertisement...
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.

Iluvatar_gr wrote:
lolozori wrote:
so apparently just mentioning the Word RMT in a post make you edited, because the Staff think using this word is advertising it.

That's probably because using that word IS indeed advertisement...

The problem is if you arent advertising it youre calling GGG out. They hate that. Probably more so than advertising RMT.
"just for try, for see and for know"

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