New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts

mazul wrote:
DirkAustin wrote:
Thanks to the report feature the overly sensitive people report you for no good reason and everything you say can be interpreted as antagonizing if you dont agree with someones opinion.

They should remove the report feature on the forum.

But i can play that game too btw, i will report anyone who doesnt agree with me from now on just for the sake of doing it, so everyone will get nice red probation text under their names.

You don't seem to realize that is the master plan: to show GGG and the community what happens when every single post follows the rules of this forum. So yeah, keep reporting :). It will eventually lead to either the rules change or we at least get a massive ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨RIOT୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨.

A key topic is whether or not it should be allowed to make fun of opinions you disagree with. If it isn't okay, then sarcasm or any other way to make fun of them are not allowed.

We have a long way to go before we can really consider removing sarcasm in rhetorical hyperboles. Especially with common keywords like "fanboys" and "hater" floating around, fueling fire even without addressing people directly.

Me making fun of other posts is a mere reflection of what is really allowed to be posted around here without any consideration for actual data. People constantly living their dramatic fantasies here don't need much work for my posts to seem harmful. I could just cite them, repeat their words, add a smiley and it would be considered "making fun" because their posts were non-sensical in the first place.

I'd actually welcome support stepping their shit up and I supplied much feedback in that respect. However I can see them holding back as my suggestions would imply much more workload for a forum not really worth the hassle. They better help people in technical issue than deflect the shit thrown around here.
Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 13, 2014, 11:31:29 AM
Nightmare90 wrote:

People constantly living their dramatic fantasies here don't need much work for my posts to seem harmful.

It is doesn't matter if they are harmful are not. It is enough that they attempt to make fun of a different opinion, to go against "The Path of Exile forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.".

Whether or not someone agrees with their stance is a matter of opinion, of course.
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mazul wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:

People constantly living their dramatic fantasies here don't need much work for my posts to seem harmful.

It is doesn't matter if they are harmful are not. It is enough that they attempt to make fun of a different opinion, to go against "The Path of Exile forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.".

Whether or not someone agrees with their stance is a matter of opinion, of course.

Basically we cant disagree on this forum, thats all it is about. We should all agree with one another and never say a bad thing about anyones opinion no matter how harmless the critique is we get put on probation because someone felt insulted and the report function was a horrible idea, its being misused constantly.
DirkAustin wrote:
mazul wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:

People constantly living their dramatic fantasies here don't need much work for my posts to seem harmful.

It is doesn't matter if they are harmful are not. It is enough that they attempt to make fun of a different opinion, to go against "The Path of Exile forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.".

Whether or not someone agrees with their stance is a matter of opinion, of course.

Basically we cant disagree on this forum, thats all it is about. We should all agree with one another and never say a bad thing about anyones opinion no matter how harmless the critique is we get put on probation because someone felt insulted and the report function was a horrible idea, its being misused constantly.

You are able to disagree as long as the disagreement is formulated in a civil, constructive manner.
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mazul wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:

People constantly living their dramatic fantasies here don't need much work for my posts to seem harmful.

It is doesn't matter if they are harmful are not. It is enough that they attempt to make fun of a different opinion, to go against "The Path of Exile forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.".

Whether or not someone agrees with their stance is a matter of opinion, of course.

As I already said, I incline to agree and suggested much to support staff in the past concerning the overall post quality in the official forum. However it is obvious that they can't police too much for various reason, one already explained in my past post, the other being that deviants will simply ban evade and brush off any measures.

What this forum needs are subtle but effective self-moderation measures. Less arguments this way and no further resources eaten for a rather small minority of the overall game.

As of now I play by the rules of the forum as much as bearable in my personal insanity.
Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 14, 2014, 10:53:40 AM
DirkAustin wrote:
mazul wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:

People constantly living their dramatic fantasies here don't need much work for my posts to seem harmful.

It is doesn't matter if they are harmful are not. It is enough that they attempt to make fun of a different opinion, to go against "The Path of Exile forums are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.".

Whether or not someone agrees with their stance is a matter of opinion, of course.

Basically we cant disagree on this forum, thats all it is about. We should all agree with one another and never say a bad thing about anyones opinion no matter how harmless the critique is we get put on probation because someone felt insulted and the report function was a horrible idea, its being misused constantly.

I disagree, and quite frankly I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

adania/93 --- ElementalNecro/91 --- GwanSauceMan/90
ScionFakeWitch/88 --- WikiWikiWitch/87 --- LArrowToTheKnee/83
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Last edited by adania#4013 on Aug 14, 2014, 4:56:10 PM
I have this theory - that I would be able to collect examples of the current forum META - the last 2/3 pages of the forum - and use other people's EXACT WORD FOR WORD sentences in new threads... and guess who would get probation and who wouldn't even get an edit?

Take a wild guess.

Too bad I actually don't want to take probation or I would prove this to you all.

It is nearly worth it - but if I complained or proved my point, support would merely just edit out AFTER THE FACT - after I pointed out the threads after my probation - to wipe that clearly under the rug. So really: pointless endeavor.

I've given up trying to behave any way in this community because irregardless of how I behave: I will take probation. It doesn't matter, period.

GGG has driven this in to me. So I will just continue to only post here to point out the complete garbage inconsistencies these forums proudly offer.
Nightmare90 wrote:

What this forum needs are subtle but effective self-moderation measures.

I'd say let us moderate ourselves entirely. Works great on the LoL forums imo. Sure, you can't prevent a certain hive mind mentality, but anything is better than the current situation. It'd also save GGG money.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Why not add /voteban player ingame?

"Player is richer than me: /voteban player for RMT proven or not"
"Player is about to finish all challenges: /voteban player"

I think the population would be down to 500 players within 2 weeks ;D

Xavderion wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:

What this forum needs are subtle but effective self-moderation measures.

I'd say let us moderate ourselves entirely. Works great on the LoL forums imo. Sure, you can't prevent a certain hive mind mentality, but anything is better than the current situation. It'd also save GGG money.

What happens in LoL is not exactly great nor just. It's a popularity contest like democracy, not really something I'd wish to happen to moderation. Hilbert is right, it would do more harm than good, especially in our community exploding in elitism.

A simple "hide post" button in combination with a further 'do you want to ignore all post of user "x"' button would be all needed to take much fuel away around here.

Everything else, for example the reddit vote system would fail here. Did you know that the PoE reddit is known in the reddit community to abuse the reddiquette heavily?
Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 15, 2014, 3:27:38 AM

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