New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts
" How about you stop your harassing bullshit? This has nothing to do with the hateful post policy but the very basic rules stating that you shall not harass community members. Just imagine someone jumps your neck every time you post any non-problematic content just because you posted much shit in the past. Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Jul 12, 2014, 5:42:56 AM
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That's a very good point Night. I am all for forgiving someone's past misdeeds.
But that's not the point : You do not delete a comment that is not hateful, read Chris original post again. Also the comment was not mine. Chris said " So moderation moved from full freedom(all comments stay, comment may get partly [removed]) => To hateful comments towards devs may get deleted => To moderators delete comments even if they are not hateful. Last edited by InexRising#5976 on Jul 12, 2014, 6:14:50 AM
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" Actually the ToU reads: " A post of mine was completely removed by Support not so long ago aswell. I did make my point with them. Privately in mail. Then they removed some posts more. If the post removed was not your post, it is none of your business, really. ;) Support is working in their allowed realm of possibilities, inex. Let them do their work and let us be polite participants in a forum where worlds collide and everybody will be happy. :) |
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" sigh .. really ... Alright. Depending on the medium, there are obviously technical limitations. It is not feasible to provide enough capacity for all sorts of repeating content which in most cases is automated. Spam also has great potential to make it hard to find other content - it blurs - which also has a limiting effect. Last edited by dyneol#3245 on Jul 13, 2014, 1:04:42 PM
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It doesn't bother me what GGG does here as long as they can be somewhat consistent with it. I made a post about this already but I'll say it again briefly. How is it that you can report someone who is name calling and obviously going against Chris' policy here and yet nothing happens, then you make a very calm post that has nothing hateful in it and the whole thing gets taken down and the mod points you to this thread. There just doesn't seem to be any ryme or reason to this sometimes. Then when you message the mod back trying to get clarification they don't respond.
Standard Forever
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" You shouldn't expect 100% consistency, you should expect 99% and I believe they have that currently. This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
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" No. I think it's completely unfair the way certain posters, no matter what it is they say, are being modded completely from voice. I am on their hit list, and I actually never break any forum rules. I can make that statement with a straight face: I don't. And yet I continually suffer forum probation and moderator harassment constantly having my posts modded out of existence. It's to the point where they may as well just cut to the chase and just pre-probate me. I mean: that's where this is going. Just ban my account already if you don't want me to post. I figure what I've done is got into it with a mods alt or something... said something too truthful and really hurt someone's feelings enough that they now stalk me and just sit and wait for anything they can to probate me. Moderation on this forum should be one of the higher list of priorities because it wouldn't take many resources for them to correct this. mazul: it may not be a problem for you, but for others when you are on GGG moderation hit list it is a major inconsistent problem. Their policy is crystal clear: if you are on the hit list, probation if you come within 100 yards of this mysterious rule set that no one can actually tell me specifically what I've said wrong - this combined with watching other posters being able to actually break their "no hate" policy and antagonistically, personally attack others - like outright and clearly in the open with no question about it - no grey area - purely black vs white - and guess what happens to those posters? Nothing. Consistently nothing. Someone like me responds to it, and we suffer probation. The rules here are in place not to protect but they serve for moderators to harass and bully and make up excuses to damage. And I'm through just taking it. I'm through just shutting up about it. Last edited by Isbox1#3280 on Aug 6, 2014, 1:18:49 AM
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" The mods can only use CTRL+C and CTRL+V if you tell them stop using copy pasted messages they will never PM you again. " Don't worry they started deleting entire postings and putting on probation for alibit reasons. Oh he mentions RMT->Let's put him on probation for advocating RMT. Oh that guy is back->Let's just delete a random post and put him on probation for hateful posting. " It only affects players that care about the game. If you clearly state that you give a rats ass on the game as they do on feedback it's pointless to ban you because you can always use an alt account. And don't worry if the mods are good at pissing people off it will always result in a Backslash. Look at Podcast. First people didn't care and when GGG got involved it got hated. Or look at that Australian streamer+youtuber GGG uses for cheap advertisement. Racers are really pissed at the shedule and ignored feedback. One racer posted somewhat elitist in a "GGG response is due" and got probated and his next action was to highlight a reddit post of shady advertisement methods of that youtuber resulting in instant spammer report of that users reddit account. You can do pretty much the same on Chris reddit account for shady crossmarketing once he breaks a 10% ratio. The mods don't realize some people react destructive manner to their actions and there is nothing they can do but pay them money to leave and moderating posts is useless because there are people who read them and you can always use PMs to make sure those people read them. They will never realize that of those people who they don't want to see 95% will automatically leave. 4% are parasites and 1% will behave. |
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FAIR WARNING: I'm now being told that the term "white troll knight" is not acceptable and now punishable by probation.
For the record I am the guy who rallied extremely hard against the term "scrubcore" as hurtful, flaming, personal attack. For over a year I expressed that term as being totally toxic to this community. I sent personal messages to GGG moderators about this very thing. I am the guy who even went to bat to attempt to prove that softcore players are exactly the same as hardcore players in skill - my first character ever in hardcore making it to level 69. I'm the guy who put the bullseye on himself - making myself that easy target but still went to bat to discredit the term... to soften it... to offer actual proof against "scrubcore." Let's be completely honest: what is actually worse? Biased opinions aside: "White Troll Knight" vs "Scrubcore" - be honest. CLEARLY being called a scrub is much worse. And even to this day people are allowed and able to post it on these forums with absolutely no bat of an eyelash... and now suddenly, and completely inconsistently you can suffer probation using the term "White Troll Knight" - like seriously? I accept that I'm the guy who coined the term - but still. This is a perfect example - just ONE of many examples of these forums of completely inconsistent, and totally obscure moderation resulting in just one thing: making a super pissed off customer. (me). And you really don't want to see me get angry. I'll actually follow the rules, but I'll be far... FAR more aggressive and outspoken now about this subject. I hope this is the result you were looking for. When you change policy at a 180 degree angle the very FIRST thing you do is inform everyone involved in your policies. You let them know. "Hey guys: from now on the term "White Troll Knight" is no longer acceptable on these forums" - and guess what? PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT TO TAKE PROBATION WILL NEVER USE THAT TERM. You think I like taking probation? You think I actually relish in not getting to post? You think I go out of my way to take probation? No to all of the above. The way this forum is modded is the singular most imbalanced item in GGG repertoire. Forget the skills and skill tree - trading vs non trading - forget all that... it's right here, on these forums. |
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You are not allowed to call people scrubs, you can report defamatory posts.
That aside your consistent moderation rant is a waste, especially in this topic. I'd rather mail my suggestions for moderation to support supervisors and hope the best. At least that's how I did it in the past and was able to reach support. Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Aug 6, 2014, 9:56:46 AM
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