New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts

This is awesome. Amazing strategy to keep the community forum neat, clean and a great place for supporters. So happy of this :-)
The Gemling Queen favours 'NotACuckRoach'.

Ethaereal │ Exaltreal │ Cherrubim │ Erremes │ Khainne │ Kaelous │ Balzael
Powered by 2015 Alienware 17" R2 laptop · Standard League · BLÔW Guild · Bird-Day - Aug 7, 2012
人生はただのゲームだ。楽しむために生きろ。勝利をつかむため遊べ。人生に勝ち、そして喜ぶために生きろ。o(^▽^)o ♪
Follow Me, @D_TownPaul
This announcement was just all about blowing leafs, I guess.

If I was a developer and would see General Discussion, I would turn 360° and leave.
No payment on earth justifies reading so much unconstructive, repeating bullshit.
I sincerely hope that the developers stay away from this place.
ghoghswagyolo <--- Who is this person? I find it funny that I've been in game all day talking to people in group chat and all of a sudden this person pops out of the blue and says I'm muted w/e. Honestly whoever this person is deserves to go back to high school and re-learn some vocab. Why is it that because this ONE person doesn't like what i say out of the whole server that there is a problem?
Oh yea and might i add that there have been dozens of other people saying the same thing i have. So I'd appreciate it if something were done here cause i don't like being singled out for proving someone wrong and them abusing their power. I find that very ignorant!
DarkWindscar321 wrote:
ghoghswagyolo <--- Who is this person? I find it funny that I've been in game all day talking to people in group chat and all of a sudden this person pops out of the blue and says I'm muted w/e. Honestly whoever this person is deserves to go back to high school and re-learn some vocab. Why is it that because this ONE person doesn't like what i say out of the whole server that there is a problem?

Please contact us at and we will discuss this issue with you directly.
Am I allowed to hate GGG for making a game so darn perfect and addictive?

Everytime I double click on shortcut to client.exe, my life is ruined.

I should just uninstall, and not just PoE but all the games. But then the withdrawal symptoms would turn me insane.

PoE is literally drugs, it needs to be banned!
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
Thumbs up GGG.

I love well-moderated forums ...
Yo Way Yo - Home Va Ray - Yo Way Ra - Jerhume Brunnen G
This brings the fundamental quetion:Is it worth to sacrifice some freedoms,for the "greater good",or not?
Noam Chomsky has not a real answer to that,leave alone myself :P

EDIT: I d love a similar move towards the economy,but i am not seeing it happen - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Last edited by Poutsos#0458 on Feb 5, 2014, 7:41:39 AM
What's this madness?!

If i understand well, GGG says that support is going to simply delete hate non-useful comments because devs have feelings like other humans..

What do we have now? Support deleting and locking threads that had no hate or useless hate feedback toward devs, deleting any thread/comment speaking frustration out ( like discussing bad moderation)

What's even worse? Now the are DELETING off-topic comments, not only "hate off topic" ones but simply "off topic" comments. Why is this worse? Because now they are not even doing the [removed by admin] for comments containing half-"off topic" half-"on topic" content, i spoke with a mod the other day and he said like : Yeah because the comment contained a large portion of off-topic i chose to delete it..

Expect to have any hate thread deleted from now on even if it has good feedback on it, yay for radical moderation.

Rip forum.

Honestly the moment someone begins relying on hate in their post I view their entire argument as suspect at best- any "good points" become irrelevant. If people want to be taken seriously they need to retain a measure of composure and at least the appearance of impartiality at all times. The moment you fail to do so you undermine your own credibility- at which point the only people who think you had "good feedback" are the people who already agreed with your from the start.

When it comes down to it there's a whole lot of conflicting feedback, and if want a chance at the devs ear or even to cultivate a productive discussion environment, keeping things polite is completely indispensable.
Talisman softcore IGN:disappointment

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