New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts
Differentiating between self-imposed standards and objective axioms is in no ways contradictory. Saying "you're wrong", "contradictory", or "off-topic" does not refute my statements. Logical proof should be presented for the betterment of the discussion. Assuming or preferring that the anecdote is the core of the post also don't refute my statements, especially if it was stated that it just an anecdote to lay out the rest of the post. I'm not sure what's so funny. As for my "claim", it is prefaced with the word "personally". As for the favoring that I've stated "does not concern me", perhaps "ignoring" or "overlook" is an more appropriate term instead of favoring. It is not censorship I support; I support Property Rights as a fundamental axiom: I own myself and my effects. This forum is a part of Grinding Gear Games' property rights.
Personally, I find comparing Grinding Gear Games' censorship to government actions inaccurate. All users voluntarily agree to the rules set by Grinding Gear Games. ("By clicking Create Account you are agreeing to the terms of use and privacy policy") Not all persons living in the state-drawn border voluntarily agree to government involvement. Through logical reasoning from first principles, Property Rights argues the opposition of letting the government into our homes/phones/computer. I would go into detail, but I will not derail the thread with politics. My initial post verbatim is below for convenience. Intelligent refutations welcomed.
" Personal Item Filter(s): |
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YOU say it's off-topic... and magically, somehow relevant. this IS a contradiction. it's not that i think it's a contradiction. it's not an opinion that it's a contradiction. it IS a contradiction. and as for the anecdote - you still never answered how one was "attacked" with words. i thought my joke about 'was he verbed to death?' demonstrated that well, enough... but i guess not. since you probably don't get it, my simple counter is subtly 2-fold 1. poking fun at a metaphorical use of attack, instead of physical 2. you used attack as against the PERSON, not an object. ie: not the journalist's reputation, but the journalist. this is incorrect, as per definition. please explain the injuries the journalist incurred due to words. point being, since you're apparently a stickler for semantics, you failed by your own criteria. it's lose-lose for you. if you were attempting a realistic argument, it failed for reasons i previously mentioned. your defense/explanation is based on semantics. too bad for you, you failed as you incorrectly used the keyword... so that's not a valid defense, as it doesn't withstand the same level of scrutiny you tried to hold me to (in response to your post, no less - i can only work with the level of quality you offered). sorry. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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" That is the funniest sounding concept I've heard in a long time. The whole point of an axiom is to not be refuted and instead you build results upon the axiom(s). "Subjective" or "Objective" is redundant when it comes to describing an axiom, because one assumes that the axiom is true. This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
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I will not be starting another cycle of that— I've already stated that it was slightly off-topic and that things can be slightly off-topic but relevant to the discussion. (For example, cotton in a discussion on the morality of slavery. There may be better examples as not much thought was put into this one.) I understand your metaphorical reference; I surely did explain indisputable psychological attacks, which effects both the person and his or her reputation.
Yes, that is correct. The axiom of Property Rights is not refutable. I've added objective to bring to mind that axioms are objective, you can simply call it an axiom if you prefer. Building upon "Property Rights Exist" in no way defeat the whole point of the axiom. Buy building upon, I assume you mean gathering the data from the setting up of said axiom. Personal Item Filter(s): Last edited by Censurri#7561 on Dec 12, 2013, 11:52:28 PM
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" It is pointless to attempt to communicate with some people. Some people simply do not care whats true or false: some because all they care about is their objective( including forwarding a proposal or simply attempting to incite others into anger), for others they simply have not developed enough cognitively( perhaps brain damage or an overload of irrationality during their formative years). When a person asserts a false truth, whether its being formally stated or subtly slipping it in, it reduces their credibility. There is a point where someone has stated so many untruths where you should not even attempt to understand or communicate with them, there is simply no upside. And the downside may be that you subliminally accept their falsehoods as truth. With the possibility of assimilating their modes of thought into your own. In short, 'dont feed the trolls'. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Dec 13, 2013, 12:07:23 AM
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" Please, no hateful posts. T.T Why do you have to be hateful? Not everyone can be born with 130+ in IQ. This message was delivered by GGG defence force. Last edited by mazul#2568 on Dec 13, 2013, 12:15:34 AM
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" At first I was thinking "hey, it wasnt THAT bad dude" but then I thought some more (ow!) I guess... insinuating someone has brain damage is kinda shitty and is the exact thing GGG wants to remove from forums. I applaud it and I will try to help by not being a dick but I will likely foul and get hit by the rules occasionally. I quite like the wee debate between Deathstar2x and robmafia because they both stay reasonably civilised, at least in the parts I have oh so lazily bothered to read. I make music, you can listen and dl for free at or
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" so... you're against 'antagonistic' posts... except when you do them? [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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Everyone read my posts learn to master what I do. Keep things civilized, random and overall fair.
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2 "...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear |
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" I did and I have to say, this post you just made should be held up to the community as a shining beacon of all that is right in a PoE player. The we should take that torch and sacrifice a virgin, because. I make music, you can listen and dl for free at or
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