Coyotefreak's double striker! (Ci, vaal pact,Ghost reaver) On nemesis!!@!@!

Coyotefreak wrote:

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノBLOODRAGE OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Dont forget to use blood rage :P

I am pretty new playing the game and i wonder if Blood Rage works with CI?! Does it take ES instead of Life or does it kill you?

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ PLEASE ANSWER OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
No, bloodrage does no damage to you as CI
Any chance you could throw together a leveling build for this up to the point right before you would respec to CI?
Killzu wrote:
Any chance you could throw together a leveling build for this up to the point right before you would respec to CI?

Leveling this build for a few days.

Tree around 1-20 (Straight path to +12 all res. Grabbing Leather and Steel):

Tree around 20-35 (Going to the right side for IR and Thick skin):

Tree around 35-45 (Going to the left side for US and 24% hp. Grabbing 1 endurance charge):

Tree around 45-55 (Starting to go for the shadow part of the tree. Grabbing 6 HP nodes circle):

Tree just before 60 (Finally some claw damage and imba lifeleech):

Tree around 70 (mass HP and 2% manaleech. Or 5 points in Eagle Talons (claw damage) cluster instead of 8% HP nodes -_-):

From around lvl 10 to 65+ I've been using this 2 uniques:

2% Manaleech and 5% Lifeleech is too strong of a combo for Doublestrike+Multistrike spam.
Last edited by z3tsu#1461 on Dec 11, 2013, 5:45:05 PM
I really appreciate you posting that info. Extremely helpful sir!
still viable?
PM @KaspeR_Warbands (Warbands) | @KaspeRHC (Standard)
Standard Atziri Service
What are your stats with this? I'm interested in doing this build, seems like it'd be a lot more fun than the usual BoR/Soul Taker builds floating around.
was thinking about this, can you make it Life based? or is it all based around the notion of going CI. I know you would just pick up Life nodes over CI nodes. Just curious. Leveling a Reave build that is similar build but mine is life and if I dont like it was wondering if I could convert to a life based double striker build.
Hi I like your build very much. My dps is good enough and survivability is insane. I play on scrubcore and do not need unwavering stance. My question would which passive nodes would be better crit%, DPS%, IAS%?
great build, thank you
IGN: sabratta

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