Canadian Corner
Mazzter, Vancouver Island British Columbia. Looking for a guild!
Montreal, QC, Looking for a Standard Softcore/League Softcore League Guild
Pis farme ta yeul.
Hey there!
I'm from Edmonton, Alberta, and I'm looking for a guild, but I'd settle for a couple friends who'll help me learn the ropes! Hit me up! |
Is there an actual CA only guild? :)
Quebec, QC also looking for an active guild (mostly in softcore)
This is where the Canadians were hiding? I'd like a Canadian guild.
Edmonton, AB here. |
Toronto Ontario.
LF a guild :D |
Surrey, BC here. LFG for HC Blight league!
Ontario too. I haven't looked into the beta program but have been impressed with how few bugs I have encountered compared to other games. Hats off to the Dev's and all those "lucky" enough to help find and stamp them out.
Abbotsford, BC. also lf a guild :)