Canadian Corner

Looking for a clan, Victoria BC

IGN: Pamela__Anderson
Looking for someone 50-60 to play with going into maps. Ign ctam
Most lonely game ever... Kingston Ontario IGN:XicutionAngel
What came first Mcdonalds or KFC?
Windsor, Ontario.
Last guild died.. looking for fresh active people to join.
ign Anna_Rexia
Surrey, BC checking in :)

I just started up a new guild that now has a stash. If you want a guild, throw me a friend invite and I'll be sure to invite you to the guild!
I'm from BC.

Mature and looking for a Canadian guild to join.

I only play in temporary leagues like Bloodlines and I have experience with rips lol.
Last edited by stressfulstudent#5231 on Feb 18, 2015, 9:34:46 PM
Fairly new player from Regina, Saskatchewan, lookin for people or a guild to play with!

I used to be a hockey fan, if that's ok with you guys. In fact I used to like watching these guys play, when I was your neighbor, up in Michigan.

So, it's sort of a love/hate thing with you Canadians for me. I used to go there all the time but I also left and went home, too, when I was done. Never really stuck around too long, like you guys have.

Then you sent this guy to us:

(not the guy in the pic)

WTF Canada? Are you so mad at us because the Red Wings beat you guys up for so long that you had to send that shit our way?

I used to like you guys.
Last edited by FusionReactor#3376 on Nov 8, 2014, 1:48:38 AM
Truro, Nova Scotia

Just started playing recently and loving the game play (currently running an Archer and a Templar) looking for a Fun,Friendly,Mature US Eastern/Canadian guild to join to help me learn the oh so numerous ins and outs of this fantastic game. PM MrKavorkian or Klipshot if you are such a guild.

Retired Military and avid Gamer,

sask. you cant spell party without PA

mature and working looking for a gg canadian guild. other games i play are mtgo and eve online.
been playing off and on for a couple years, i have a lvl70 witch and and a 70+ templar.

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