[1.0.x - SC] Harvester! Cyclone with blood magic

I had some requests to post my build so here it is. One day maybe i'll make a guide...

+ very high DPS and clearing speed
+ very fast healing
+ two handed can be made from a Duelist, Templar, or Scion
+ dual wield and one handed with shield can be made from a Duelist, Scion or Ranger
+ not gear dependent
+ very easy to play
+ universal

- desync
- no auras
- problems with -x% max res mods on maps where are bosses with high light damage
- physical reflect is painful with insane physical damage two handed weapons
- elemental reflect with -x% max res mods on maps is extremely dangerous if you play in party with auras

I will update soon.


Skill tree leveling (Duelist):
Two handed:

Dual wield:

One handed with shield:

End game Skill Tree (110 points):
Two handed:
These trees are without Iron Reflexes and use them when you have armour only gear! Until you get armour only gear play with IR like in "Skill tree leveling" section!

Dual wield:

One handed with shield:

Two handed:
These trees are without Iron Reflexes and use them when you have armour only gear! Until you get armour only gear play with IR like in "Skill tree leveling" section!

Dual wield:

One handed with shield:

Offensive two handed and all defensive:
Normal - Help Oak
Cruel - Help Kraityn
Mercilles - Help Oak

Offensive dual wield and one handed with shield:
Normal - Help Oak
Cruel - Help Kraityn
Mercilles - Kill all

Cyclone - your main attack skill.
6 Link: Cyclone + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Life Gain on Hit + Concentrated Effect + Added Fire Damage/Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (defensive option)
5 Link: Cyclone + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Life Gain on Hit + Concentrated Effect
4 Link: Cyclone + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Life Gain on Hit

Cleave - support skill when you are desynced (swords and axes only).
6 Link: Cleave + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect + Multistrike + Added Fire Damage
5 Link: Cleave + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect + Multistrike
4 Link: Cleave + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect

Ground Slam - support skill when you are desynced (maces only).
6 Link: Ground Slam + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect + Multistrike + Added Fire Damage
5 Link: Ground Slam + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect + Multistrike
4 Link: Ground Slam + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect

Cast when Damage Taken - for defense.
Cast when Damage Taken + Decoy Totem + Enfeeble + Molten Shell

Enduring Cry - necessary for maps with phys reflect (two handed only).
Enduring Cry + Faster Casting

Leap Slam - for navigating.
Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Whirling Blades - for navigating (one handed swords only)
Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks

Short note about gear and stats:
Look for weapons with high attack speed, 1.4+ is good. All pieces of gear should have high HP. Overall target for effective gameplay is:
- 70+ all resists
- 6000+ armour
- 6000+ dps with cyclone
- 4000+ HP

My gear:

Special thanks to Choinka for help with crafting :D
Last edited by O2lsie#2939 on Dec 16, 2013, 10:36:00 AM
Gameplay added.
Has anyone tried this build? is it viable late game? Im building something very similar a few questions ..

Why do you take the blood magic keystone? I feel you really lose out on auras. You could run wrath (makes up for added fire gem) and another free aura i.e determination) then just use bloodmagic gem to replace added fire gem.

Also you take unwavering stances, yet dont take Iron Reflexes?

Damage for bosses (single target) is also not addressed.
First of, great thread man. Even though it's short, it shows the builds potential in a good fashion.

On thing I noticed is that you desync alot less then I do with this build. Any tips on how to decrease the level of desync or you're just having a lot of luck in this clip?

Great job!
IGN: Marante
mGravitus wrote:
Has anyone tried this build? is it viable late game? Im building something very similar a few questions ..

Why do you take the blood magic keystone? I feel you really lose out on auras. You could run wrath (makes up for added fire gem) and another free aura i.e determination) then just use bloodmagic gem to replace added fire gem.

Also you take unwavering stances, yet dont take Iron Reflexes?

Damage for bosses (single target) is also not addressed.

With blood magic gem cyclone mana cost would be around 250, as you can see on gameplay I do very short moves with cyclone, so one bigger desync and I would be dead ;p Added Fire Damage = Hatred Aura, second aura I'd run is Determination/Purity of Lightning, but I don't really need it.

I wrote that you will need gear with armour, because of that you don't have Iron Reflexes, but you can take that 5 skill points from damage and take IR. If you got armour only gear 500 evasion isn't worth to get IR.

Damage for bosses is very good with Cyclone, I would use it instead of any other skills - maybe a little lower DPS than Heavy Strike or other skills, but other skills don't provide you so fast healing (Life Gain on Hit) what Cyclone does.

Ajsbrejker wrote:
First of, great thread man. Even though it's short, it shows the builds potential in a good fashion.

On thing I noticed is that you desync alot less then I do with this build. Any tips on how to decrease the level of desync or you're just having a lot of luck in this clip?

Great job!

Very short moves, my cursor is almost on my character and also /oos command, but I didn't have to use it on both videos ;)
Last edited by O2lsie#2939 on Nov 25, 2013, 11:29:07 AM
Testing it now seems to be working great on the low level if survivability and damage will scale up to the maps it will be great :)
For single target/boss damage I'm using heavy strike+multistrike+life leech+life on hit works fine for me for quick topping up the life.

Still trying to figure out what to put in to other gems slots as you practically just need 3 items to run this build :)

My Standard forum shop


Why do you take Unwavering Stance? You can't be stunned during spinning.
Слава Україні!
zhandarm wrote:
Why do you take Unwavering Stance? You can't be stunned during spinning.

It's just 1 point to take it, so why not? My evasion rating is so low that it doesn't provide me any benefits. Sometimes you have to use your alternative skill and in these moments Unwavering Stance is useful. Of course there aren't any barriers to save this one skill point :)
Added new variants of my build.
is it worth going for vaal pack around level 60-70?

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