Fan art competition results!
Always envied those who could draw. Congratulations to everyone. |
Congrats everyone!
One does not simply be exiled.
these artworks look amusing...sticky this post please ^^ for future wallpapers.
Ah I'm sad I missed the competition. Funny how the good things are always timed axactly the same as my exams.
^_^ thanks for the beta key. ill give them to my friends ^_^
congratulations, winners all. some really good examples of fan art there.
1337 21gn17ur3
Amazing art! Congratulations to the winners!
wtf how is this not in the top 3 and the paths of exiles one is just pure awesome. |
very nice art
from 0.10.0 patch notes: "Fixed a bug where you could add Piety to your friends list." xD