ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion/Shadow Build Guide - Hardcore (Updated for 1.1)

Why is it now not optimal to run Discipline? Is this to make up for the fact that you may not have the funds to get enough Mana Regen on your gear? And if you do, Haste is better overall for damage?

You got it. Even with a ton of mana regen, it can be tricky to sustain mana in some situations, so Discipline may be necessary for some people. If you don't need it, don't use it! Haste is great for dps and movement speed.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Hello, I am a new player in Ambush league,
I would like to know,
the minimum requirement for farming Piety in act3 (Merciless), when using this EK build,

My Lv 65 stat approximately, after aura buff

resist 6x-7x%
armour reduction 47%

and which flask should I use for this boss?

Thank you for this build, I like it very much.
and sorry for my English present.
hkbutubaman wrote:
Hello, I am a new player in Ambush league,
I would like to know,
the minimum requirement for farming Piety in act3 (Merciless), when using this EK build,

My Lv 65 stat approximately, after aura buff

resist 6x-7x%
armour reduction 47%

and which flask should I use for this boss?

Thank you for this build, I like it very much.
and sorry for my English present.

I would get at least 400 more HP, max my resists, particularly Lightning and Fire (considering you can dodge Piety's Ice form).
It would also depend on your DPS, I'd think about 3 to 4k is enough?
And yeah, that's about it.
Get some flasks of grounding of heat and a Saphire/Topaz to be sure.
I hope that helps.
1st off Id like to say thanks ziggy, I been playing just over a week and managed to try your beginner LA/Frenzy ranger to 69 and now this build 68. I've enjoyed this build much more then the ranger so far. Orchard Map Boss was just owning my ranger at 69 and managed to kill him on this build @66.

I keep respecting in and out of MoM, I tryed it around 54 the last time and mana was getting slammed. I been kinda doing auras like this 20's-mid 40's discipline/clarity/hatred or grace. Mid 40's-till 60'ish clarity/hatred/haste or grace. Once I got sovereignty I went haste/hatred/clarity/grace not sure if it's worth at this point dropping haste for MoM. I'm pretty tanky as is and haste is giving about 500dps. With this set up I have about 160mana unreserved. In the video i see you saying you need about 700mana unreserved to run MoM.

Anyways a couple questions.
Alpha is a must to run 4 aura with MoM I'm assuming but how much +mana and/or ES are you guys running to achieve this?

Do you think it's worth dropping haste for MoM now?

And any tips for gearing, Im pretty new to game but have about 85c any thing i should replace before finish/keep saving for alpha?

4.1k dps on EK, 2.2k health, 1.6k mana, 75/75/66 resist.

Do you think it's worth dropping haste for MoM now?

And any tips for gearing, Im pretty new to game but have about 85c any thing i should replace before finish/keep saving for alpha?

First of all, I believe you need ~2 times more life by this time (4000+ instead of 2200). 2200 is more common for mid-cruel characters and is oneshottable on maps for sure. You don't need top gear by any means,stuff like 70+ life + 2 resists in every slot is quite affordable.

Secondary - don't drop haste. Drop grace and take MoM. 30% flat reduction of all damage is much better than any physical only reduction from ~2000 grace armour. Also grace is very popular and if you do maps in group, someone always has it up anyway.
I'm no where near 4k health, im still missing +20life and 40% health from passive tree. Haven't been 1 shotted on any map so far highest map I managed to get to drop is 69 so far tho. I been pretty lucky finding/selling stuff past 2days. I'm now lv74 and upgraded a few things, my health is only 2.4k tho. I pretty much been able to face tank everything. Running Grace/Hatred/Haste/Clarity/AA.

Also found this not sure If i will try to build it up

No offence, but you are nowhere near 4k life not because some passive nodes missing, but rather because there is no +life at all on most pieces of your equipment.

Here is mine for comparison

It is great if it works for you though! When I did Dominus, he dropped me to 30% from time to time in both phases (and I had 4400 life and Mind over Matter). If you are fine and safe with 2400 I am only happy for you.

Thank you for the reply. I can farm piety finally.
A few more question,

Should I max the molten shell for better defense?

When should I roll the a six hole chest for a better statistic? Or save the currency to buy from player?
I found some six hole chest at 58lv in Piety.

can some1 pls explain me, why is discipline even good? Doesn't it eat more mana than it gives?) Also what auras should i focus on first, i mean i can't run 3 at start, so i take clarity and? Hatred or haste or discipline?)
fatelessguy wrote:
can some1 pls explain me, why is discipline even good? Doesn't it eat more mana than it gives?) Also what auras should i focus on first, i mean i can't run 3 at start, so i take clarity and? Hatred or haste or discipline?)

Discipline is used for increased mana regeneration. The more mana you have, the more mana you regenerate per second. It's not necessary if you have great gear (gear with high mana regen, mana, and energy shield), but not everyone has great gear.

Use Clarity first and add in Hatred when you can. Grace and Discipline should come next. Haste is a luxury; try it instead of Discipline and see what happens.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616

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