Endurance Charge on Melee Stun not working with freezing status
Well to at least fix the shatter-kill problem on previously unfrozen targets, wouldn't it be possible to check for stuns before checking for freezing or something? That way stuns while frozen wouldn't work, but a stun that also freezes would. Or are they considered simultaneous and that's unchangeable?
"Do you mean they DO stack in multiple hits (if someone is stunned then immediately frozen after)? If that's not the case, then I don't necessarily see the issue with the fix in the first paragraph I just think it's strange/unfair that shatter can't stun. Makes partying with cold damage casters undesirable with that support, and/or the ECoMS support undesirable and/or Hatred undesirable. I would think there could be some sort of workaround for it. Fresh cakes for all occasions.
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would it be possible to have it such that freeze and stun stack with stun having 100% (or close to 100%) such that there isn't the added stun length, but still records as a stun for ECoS purposes?
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Yeah, now that stunning as an event has more significant rammifications in the game than just immobilizing the mob, it seems time to correct the "a hit that freezes cannot stun" mechanic.
I decided not to use hatred aura just because I want to use endurance on stun.
IGN Mondiath.
I propose two different fixes. The first ignores the stun if chill/freeze occurs, but still triggers any onStun effects (which would be an adequate fix to save the ECoMS gem). The second is a method to stack stuns and chills that doesn't abuse the system:
1)Determine if a stun would occur independently of chill/freeze. If a stun would occur Apply onstun effects. If chill/freeze does not occur, apply the stun. 2)Apply the difference of the stun and chill/freeze durations. If a chill/free procs for .5 seconds, and a chill procs for .75 seconds Apply chill/freeze for .5 seconds, then buffer a .25 second stun to follow the freeze. Subsequent chill/freeze and stuns should overwrite the chill/freeze/stun buffer only if their total length exceed the remaining length of the current buffer. Cheers d:- D d:- D
ign: MenderSwiftpaw / UprightRhoa / WitchWhichWanders though the dark may come, the sun also rises. |