The Plan for Content Update 1.0.2

A fix to the problem that occurs when you get too many effects on the same entity. You'll know what I mean if you were ever on fire while using Blood Rage.

Thank you, that is such a small but obnoxious detail that you are resolving and I for one will be happy to see corrected. Even the little things are noticed with this game and that's part of what makes you guys rock.
ign: Kiyumori , Rhea_Morte
look into RoS mechanism, take what they have learn form their failure and make POE a best game pls. I am so lazy to start over again in RoS
IGN: Linsfamily_ST
Is there a rough release date for the DOT changes by now or some news? :D I'm really excited for it.
IGN: Scordalia_
Last edited by Caliginosus#5444 on Nov 24, 2013, 9:29:08 AM
Caliginosus wrote:
Is there a rough release date for the DOT changes by now or some news? :D I'm really excited for it.

I'm excited but more worried they are going to nerf burning and force me to use gems passive skill tree stuff to make up for it.
"A revamp of end-game Map sizes and mods. We'll probably post more about this in the news next week. One of our goals is to make the Maps larger."
Chris you said this on Nov 14 and its Nov 26 now, the day of the new 1.0.2. Whats going on? Are we going to see these new changes to maps?
I'm sorry if it was discussed already, i have tried to search but got not any result.
Will the new dot mechanic affect Fire trap burning ground?
so no rapidfire pvp?
we need cross league pvp, at least sc/hc. No point in secluding an already small community

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