1.0.1 Patch Notes

Personally, what really bothers me about gems like CwDT is the idea that leveling gems reduces their usefulness. That just seems wrong to me. Leveling gems should make them better, no matter what.
Last edited by Opus132#4245 on Nov 12, 2013, 5:45:15 AM
I think that CODT was just the skill Path of Exile needed for the 1.0.0 release.

A 60% flat reserve cost to auras became the standard when open beta ended. I believe (probably foolishly) that all "Cast on" support gems were added to help balance out this change to mana/health reservation.

*I used CoDT in Nemesis as a defensive support, and I'm sure I'm not alone here.

Was it OP?

CODT felt like the skill PoE was missing to make leveling fluid and fun (solo). Plus, CODT allowed me to cast survivability skills with a build that doesn't have many mana regen/reduced reservation nodes.

I still need to react to mob packs and their abilities, but thanks to CODT, I didn't worry as much about desync or a fps spike ending my progression.
"I see me standing here but my molten shell is procing half a screen away, must be oos"
thanks again CODT!

That must be OP!

GGG changed it right away with the cooldown timer and warned everyone we would see further changes.
I see....
but is that because the gem wasn't working as intended or because giving up 3-4 sockets and losing the ability to cast supported spells wasn't balance enough.
This skill worked well for almost everyone, so GGG had to change it?
I don't see..........

And to comments like:
"just go back to casting curse + defensive spell + totem the way we did in beta"
Easier said than done.
**We're talking about 30 to 60+ mana required to cast each support spell.


The skill was just too much of a good thing. CoDT was a way to cast max lvl support (survivability) skills just by placing yourself in harms way, and let you run more than 1 aura.
If it sounds to good to be true........
The world is full of stories, and from time to time they permit themselves to be told.
But when will there be flask drop sounds?
fleshreaverpl wrote:
Jesus, i remember when Chris said they don't want to make huge changes to Skills during season/league, and tweak em later when ppl didn't commited to the character... And now, when everyone and their mother is using Codt, u change it in a way that screw most ppl ? U realize that for some this gem, and how it is working right now is ESSSENTAIL? there were so many possibilities to change this gem in a way it could not be abused but still be usefull to cast some spells in certain intervals...

i would rly badly agree here
or make them that the legacy gems still work like the old
and the new ones than with w/e
elitedesolator wrote:
Thanks for screwing solo players further.

(and for making codt obsolete.)
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
Thepathan wrote:
CWDT = Universal gem.

THAT in itself is not a good idea. That last thing any decent game developer wants is a universal build / skillset.

I'm shocked at some of you raging kids.

Every game releases something, evaluates the impact of that element and decides to either buff or nerf.

CWDT was just too dominant of a gem for ANY class.

How many people are using cast on crit / cast when stunned / curse on hit etc.

Fact is, you all know it was OP as hell.

and guess what? They havent made it completely useless. Just find a damage threshold you're comfortable with and stop leveling the gem / supported skill altogether.

Even for high life builds, there's next to no incentive to level the gem and its supported skills other than casting them without Mana to them I guess.

I just find it handy to do Enduring Cry and Molten Shell at the right time.
Last edited by acylus#7407 on Nov 12, 2013, 5:47:45 AM
Rufnet wrote:
fleshreaverpl wrote:
Jesus, i remember when Chris said they don't want to make huge changes to Skills during season/league, and tweak em later when ppl didn't commited to the character... And now, when everyone and their mother is using Codt, u change it in a way that screw most ppl ? U realize that for some this gem, and how it is working right now is ESSSENTAIL? there were so many possibilities to change this gem in a way it could not be abused but still be usefull to cast some spells in certain intervals...

i would rly badly agree here
or make them that the legacy gems still work like the old
and the new ones than with w/e

Lol, there will never be legacy gems.
So you're telling me that now with the nerf, all my gems are useless, my lvl 17-18 EC,MS and Warlord mark.

I now need to change all of this gems to lvl 1 again.

Really thanks GGG -_-
RIP CwDT, time to cast all spells again manually.
I'm never annoyed that things get nerfed. I'm annoyed that the game is structured around planning builds with very specific combinations of skills/passives/gear and that, for people to play the game effectively and reach high levels, they need to have some assurance that what they planned won't be changed significantly after putting hundreds and hundreds of hours into achieving. Skills get introduced, people plan builds around them, then the skills get changed drastically and brick characters people worked hard on. The CODT nerf is whatever. I started using it because it was a nice addition to my character, and this nerf doesn't change my build really. However, I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who went and bought expensive items/gems because they were relying on using a skill that was introduced into the game. That happened to me with the aura change that came out of nowhere. Planned to use certain auras to achieve specific goals, played the game relying on the game mechanics available to me, 3 of my auras get removed one day. I now have to choose between having no armour and mediocre damage, or vice-versa. I wouldn't do my current build if auras had worked as they do now when I started this character.

The only clear goal of the game is to get to level 100. Making different builds that are designed to be short term fun might appeal to some people, but the ladder structure inherent in the game is clear evidence that the game is built around long term character progression. Consistency in gameplay is necessary if GGG want people to invest serious effort into that. If people can't trust that the build they're planning will continue to substantially function as expected, they just won't bother and this game will die.

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