[Standard] <The Hetairoi> Looking for friendly, casual, respectful people

Hi. This guild sounds fairly intelligent. I'd like to join.

My IGN is Mareb.
bump for great justice
IGN Shirsuno: Level 83 Necromancer in Legacy League

Only the spider is safe in her web.
The Gemling Queen favours 'NotACuckRoach'.

Ethaereal │ Exaltreal │ Cherrubim │ Erremes │ Khainne │ Kaelous │ Balzael
Powered by 2015 Alienware 17" R2 laptop · Standard League · BLÔW Guild · Bird-Day - Aug 7, 2012
人生はただのゲームだ。楽しむために生きろ。勝利をつかむため遊べ。人生に勝ち、そして喜ぶために生きろ。o(^▽^)o ♪
Last edited by NotACuckRoach#2948 on Jan 13, 2014, 3:24:28 AM
Will contact you guys in a little.
GyokuenRen Auramancer Low-life CI
My guild thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/601377
My shop thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/538345
Hello there!

I'm looking into the guild options I currently have - the one I'm currently in is pretty lonely place as these days I'm pretty much the only active player online..

Are the majority of the members from the US ? The reason why I'm asking about this is because I'm from Europe and time zone differences might (or might not) be an issue..

Thanks in advance!
theory75 wrote:
Hello there!

I'm looking into the guild options I currently have - the one I'm currently in is pretty lonely place as these days I'm pretty much the only active player online..

Are the majority of the members from the US ? The reason why I'm asking about this is because I'm from Europe and time zone differences might (or might not) be an issue..

Thanks in advance!

We have plenty of european players,even some australians/new zealanders.
GyokuenRen Auramancer Low-life CI
My guild thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/601377
My shop thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/538345
deshaboo wrote:
theory75 wrote:
Hello there!

I'm looking into the guild options I currently have - the one I'm currently in is pretty lonely place as these days I'm pretty much the only active player online..

Are the majority of the members from the US ? The reason why I'm asking about this is because I'm from Europe and time zone differences might (or might not) be an issue..

Thanks in advance!

We have plenty of european players,even some australians/new zealanders.

In that case, throw me a whisper (Dhelia) when you´re in game and maybe we can work something out!
Hi,i'd like to join the guild. I'm a lvl 70 witch, love to meet and play together with more people.

p.s: I am from Hong Kong and love english :)

IGN: LaRinx
Last edited by zendarlee9861#2391 on Dec 7, 2013, 12:14:10 PM
Hi, I'm a US(West) player, I'd like to join to do some mapping with people and level alts.

IGN: PacBlood / WuTangSlammer

EDIT: on standard*
IGNs: WuTangSlammer / PacBlood / VirtuousVice / TheGravelPit

Last edited by Vodkaholic#0833 on Dec 7, 2013, 2:22:38 PM
Thanks for leaving a message everyone!
We will contact you in game :)
IGN: MaskedAngel / _SilverArrow, Officer of The Hetairoi
Guild Thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/601377
Shop Thread http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/545268

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