Fan Art Competition - Submit your fan art!

Some really impressive entries.
Forum Sheriff
this is my try :)
More bad sketches for you! The image's pretty big.


Lots of colors.
Last edited by Kinshino on Nov 17, 2013, 2:37:39 PM
Some really cool & impressive entries so far!

Kinda looking forward for this guy to return, sounds like he would be doing us a favor, lol!

YeahPete wrote:
Maybe I'll have time to sketch something up... If I did it would definately win. Hope I have time. If GGG would PM me something they would like me to sketch out I would have no trouble doing it.

Right now I am thinking ranger flicker striking a bear in the throat w/ a bear trap on the bear.... A dead bear next to it will be on fire providing a dimmed light source. We'll see if I have time to sketch this up...

I'll first do pencil. If I have time I'll digitize it.

Wish me luck. GL to my competition.
atst101 wrote:
It's basically my templar casting a long ass spell and about to get owned by a goatman.

True story, too true :(
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Walkthrough for Act I and II (by KrapnoV) :
Mechanics - how the game works (by Malice) :
Crafting Guide (by Invalesco) :
Mechanics videos (by Eztheal) :
Here's my entry. It's the witch. And Brutus. Because Brutus is awesome.

Larger version:
Last edited by ptt_frmr on Dec 22, 2012, 12:48:21 PM
A little concept art for the Western Forest monster, Dreamcatcher(Alira bandit),Strength/Intelligence.
These days I have little time and I could not coloring

The Goat Man are really close to the western forest,why waste their mysticism and darkness.
Thanks for the opportunity and sorry for my bad English
Last edited by Lottuzcr on Dec 22, 2012, 4:21:49 PM
Keep up the good work people. A lot of these are amazing.
RIP Bolto
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!

My beloved pets....

Here is my contribution:

"pick a class, then enter a name" ^^

( Unfortunately, quality is a little bit poor. Don't know how to upload larger files... )
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