[OFFLINE] Starcraft42`s - Day 64: 17th day of Alpha Testing

Congratulations saidairohno (hoodie) for being or latest winner! And thanks to everyone who played. Better luck next time!

Of course biggest thanks to Xinvoker who had just won his key yesterday and gave us back his referal key ^^.

Keysus bless you all!
Good luck to all next time, Keysus never keep the key for himself ^^.

Great show, hope to be on givaway next time, praise keysus!
Don't believe everything you think!
another day of streaming down. post for karma!
ty for today show. it was fun as always. o/
And another 12 hours of streaming today are history.

We were able to give away key number 34 today - not bad if you consider, we just starteding giving keys away 12 days ago ^^.

I had a great time playing in groups - solo play does not cut it for me anymore. Group play + VoIP (Skype) is the way to go for me.

Also, I would like to thank the many people wathing today. Yesterday alone, the stream got around 1500 viewers. I am quite amazed ^^.

So thank you all for making this community as awesome as it is!

Praise Keysus!
So say we all!
Oh dear god , i have just installed it. Picked a char , and just got inside the acuall game.

It workes in Eyefinity 0.o

mmmmmm .... me happy gamer yes yes

Oh and btw , anyone know a good program to record with ? i used Fraps back in the day , but mayeb there is somethign better around not to use ?
Cant have to much Junk in your Stash
Last edited by SwedishTavern#6176 on Oct 2, 2011, 2:55:59 PM
Congrats to saidairohno~! Sorry I couldn't be there myself; even I have to sleep EVENTUALLY. =P.

Sunday is homework day for me, so I'll be popping in and out of chat today. Hopefully, I'll be done long before the stream actually gets going, but the chances of that are quite slim, so... Whatevah! ;D.

Praise Keysus!
Praise Beta Keysus!

Or else.
Lightwind wrote:
Congrats to saidairohno~! Sorry I couldn't be there myself; even I have to sleep EVENTUALLY. =P.

Praise Keysus!

Did i read right :O?!?!? You sleep? God i must missread that sorry :S
Keysus- His power is infinite!
Snagod wrote:
Did i read right :O?!?!? You sleep? God i must missread that sorry :S

Nope! You read that right! Even I, crazy bastard that I am, not only had to sleep, but was TIRED last night. Shocking, right?

I kind of really do need to fix my sleep schedule though, so I might not be around as late as I've been from now on. We'll see what happens though.
Praise Beta Keysus!

Or else.

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