[OFFLINE] Starcraft42`s - Day 64: 17th day of Alpha Testing

Sending Karma to you Lightwind...

And sending the Karma to me as well

Good luck all!
As always. Posting for karma. Good luck everybody.
yay thanks for streaming and doing giveaways!
Keysus totally favored you today, Stafir. =P.

Congrats, my man! You totally deserve it. ;D.
Praise Beta Keysus!

Or else.
Gz Stafir! Have Fun!
I approve this
Prayers to keysus and baby keysus! Lol!
Wow...thank you misentry, thank you Decrelis, and thank you Starcraft42.

Again as I said in the chat. I typed in 7 as an accident..i was tryingto use the keypad to enter 735..and hit enter instead of 3..so i got stuck with 7 as my entry.

Thank you Beta Keysus.
I tend to be a very opinionated and brief poster. Due to this I often come across more hostile than I really am, sorry bout that. Also my train of thought is odd, something I just forget to post needed information, or assume its already known.
Thanks to everyone who has given their friend key back to Starcraft42 for keeping the cycle going, you guys are the best.
Proud Kiwi Game Developer

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