[OFFLINE] Starcraft42`s - Day 64: 17th day of Alpha Testing

Another key in an hour!
IGN: eNtaK
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/SihteGaming
Path of Exile New Player Area Guide Video Playlist: http://bit.ly/13BcvFr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sihtegaming
Glorious 1 hour wait!
Congratulations to Chatrick55, the fastest Google trivia-question researcher this side of Venus.

He got the answer to:

"In the movie "V for Vendetta," how many total "Vs" are in his main speech that V gives to Evey? The letter "V." Count them quickly!"

Answer: 53!

Thanks to all the viewers who played the game and good lock for the next giveways!

As always, check out the donator`s channel on Youtube:

We are now at 16 keys total that we gave away. And I am awaiting a PM with another one, soon, so stay tuned!
Okay, I'm out.... I give up with the freaking Giveaways.

Core i7 2600K, GTX 970 SLI - Desktop
BRIX Pro - On the way, Bedside Daily Driver.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 - Primary Driver
That was freaking light nerd fast, no doubt about it !
Congrats Chatrick55. Thank to Apparition for giving keys away!
But the patience game is #1!
Patience is like # 25000000000000000000000000000000 in my line.

Core i7 2600K, GTX 970 SLI - Desktop
BRIX Pro - On the way, Bedside Daily Driver.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 - Primary Driver
Some random person joined and got it LOL It should have went to someone who's in the IRC or that was watching the stream for the past 3 hours instead :/

w.e, congrats Chatrik and thanks Apparition.
Skype ::

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