[OFFLINE] Starcraft42`s - Day 64: 17th day of Alpha Testing

What happens atleast once in 60 minutes?

Ingame, forums, irc:

"Nyydia: Brb getting coffee"
Day 16: 200 hour stream Beta Key giveaway is starting now!

Chris has kindly provide me with 7 keys to give away in celebration of over 200 hours of stream in 16 days!.


I will be streaming starting now for about 12-14 hours. During this time I will be giving away the above mentioned beta keys.

6 keys will be given away on stream

As always, the show will last around 12 hours, so about one key every two hours. I will announce the giveaway before I start it in THIS thread. So check this thread frequently to find out when your chance will be.

How to answer contest questions

During stream giveaway I will put the chat room into slow mode. I will ask a question and you have 42 seconds to answer (dont have to be the fastest). You can only answer once (b/c room is in slow mode). If there are multiple correct answers, the winner will be determined using Random.org to.

1 key will be given away in THIS thread

The key will be separated into 4 parts and each part posted in a RANDOM order throughout the day. Once all 4 parts are posted you just have to enter them in the right order to win ^^

when will you receive your key?

Since I only have one monitor, I will send out the beta keys AFTER the show, otherwise everone would see them ^^ If you waited this long, another few hours will be acceptable to you. I will send out the keys via PM.


Dont know why anyone would want to troll themselves out of the competition, but if you do, I haz a ban user button ^^

Everything happens IN THIS THREAD and on stream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/starcraft-42
Last edited by Starcraft42#1303 on Sep 17, 2011, 9:06:08 PM
Awesome thread contest. Good luck everyone here and on the stream. ^^
Infernal - Avatar of Fire Templar
im tuned in :)
# Part 1: LQGJD #

I will post 4 parts IN RANDOM ORDER throughout the day. Good luck!

6 more keys given away on stream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/starcraft-42
Last edited by Starcraft42#1303 on Sep 17, 2011, 9:21:20 PM
its mineeee
this will be fun lol
FIRST COMPETITION 12 o`clock JST (in 35 minutes). Tune in to win.
Yeah baby YEAH! i can't wait to try and win one yo rock Starcraft 42 if i could only trade you a sanctum code for a beta code
1 down, 6 to go lol

come on luck, you owe me!

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