[OFFLINE] Starcraft42`s - Day 64: 17th day of Alpha Testing

The master of Streaming, his holiness Starcraft42, is not streaming for the moment.... So that means that I have nothing to watch at work.... damn.. :(

WAKE UP !!!! :)
HanSoloDK wrote:
The master of Streaming, his holiness Starcraft42, is not streaming for the moment.... So that means that I have nothing to watch at work.... damn.. :(

WAKE UP !!!! :)

Stream will be up in about 20 minutes ^^

Day 34 - Waiting for Godot

In the past weeks the average amount of players online at any time during the day seemed to hover at around 100 players. Recently, there are a mere 60ish online, even with the many beta keys going out.

I guess, we are all waiting on 0.9.3 to be released many players will return when that happens.

Unlike on Godot, I hope we do not have to wait forever ^^

Praise Keysus!

Edit: Stream online http://www.ustream.tv/channel/starcraft-42
Last edited by Starcraft42#1303 on Oct 6, 2011, 4:33:15 AM
Nice, i enjoy this stream very much!
Hi Starcraft. I am watching by I can't start the chat program for now... Don't know what the problem is.
Any idea ??
HanSoloDK wrote:
Hi Starcraft. I am watching by I can't start the chat program for now... Don't know what the problem is.
Any idea ??

User error. :D
Beta Key giveaway #35

Thanks to our previous winners luckyzi and JimboGR we have a beta key to give away tonight!


Its been 3 days since we were able to give a key away, so get ready for Beta Key #35 tonight!

I will run the giveaway between now and the end of the show (in around 6 hours), but will announce the giveaway HERE IN THREAD and on IRC about 30 minutes before it starts.

Good luck and thanks to luckyzi and JimboGR!


i pray to KEYSUS everyday and night!

Have just installed diablo 2 to play something while waiting.


just tested playing d2, damn cant play on resolution 800x600 on a 24" LED LCD :/ makes my eyes bleed
Last edited by darkrivle#5568 on Oct 6, 2011, 7:23:05 AM
Starcraft42 wrote:
Beta Key giveaway #35

Thanks to our previous winners luckyzi and JimboGR we have a beta key to give away tonight!


Its been 3 days since we were able to give a key away, so get ready for Beta Key #35 tonight!

I will run the giveaway between now and the end of the show (in around 6 hours), but will announce the giveaway HERE IN THREAD and on IRC about 30 minutes before it starts.

Good luck and thanks to luckyzi and JimboGR!

+5634 this.
KEYSUS don´t exist.Not in my world.
vodo wrote:
KEYSUS don´t exist.Not in my world.

You live in a keyless world, sinner! Repent!

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